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    matherland nippone
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    my english is not so good, 2nd language. sorry if it bad
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    China Herbal Trader for Medicine

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  1. Ao_

    980 vs 980ti

    1 has ti on the naeem ::::::::::))
  2. not every game made hasta bee competitive u goise. Fuck and twist me inside my asshole, some ppl even tried to make CLASH OF FUCKING CLANS a competitive sport too, is be liek rly doid? gotta be chill and stay absolute zero you guise
  3. I recommend 60hz for cheaper monie, 144hz is not worth the extra doughie cookie
  4. True that it does but it depende if he wantseis to put the extra monies into a 2k/4k monitor. I just was the stating possible reasonz on whether he should buy one
  5. you not give shit about HD QUAD VIDEOGAME LOOK SO NICEEEEEE GOTTA BUY IT then don't go 2k or 4k ok? you go buy 1080p if you like OK.
  6. have you try they googling "gtx 1080 release date"? Give u amaze results for what you are looking 4
  7. don't not get the 1080, its a meme. Not worth ur monies. You don't need 64 GB of RAM, waste of money. I suggest the avergae 8 GB or maybe even 16 GB if you can afford it, but 64 GB is big no no ok. Also, I wouldn't plane on getting that CPU unless you planeing to do the over clockies then you okie dokie with that.
  8. really l--------wide -------l ultra computer screen at 1080p is really dumpster ok. Not worth the money ok. Ya ok. I suggestie if you go for the l--------wide -------l monitor you go res at 1440p or even 4k ya, then it really worth the moeny then ok.
  9. Me thinkies the best carrying portable folding in half computer 4 u is the amaze Acer Aspire V15 Nitro Black Edition VN7-591G-70RT. Only at the shocking amazo price of $1000, specs are prettyi good. Their iz also other models you can chose from with differ specs if you don't like it. Referencio linke: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00WJSQRNK/ref=twister_B01E7ONY20?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  10. If u plane to only gameo at the 1980p resolution, anything aboveo a 970 is probablies over killz. Most of those cards are for the 1440p or even 4k gamingies.
  11. laptopos usuallies dies out after 4-5 year so it is jesus miracle ur laptop has made thise far 4 u and still workingo. Most start to lag and become veryyy slow like a snail. I consider u buy a replacement
  12. just go to ikea doods, lotsa chairs there
  13. Best one performance wiseo is the EVGA 750 ti FTW edition oks? It rigggghtt here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00J0ISHMQ/ref=twister_B00Q5W5BUQ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1