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  1. Looks like a really useful tool, in school this would come in handy as a lot of the times we need a projector and the one school supplies doesn't always work...
  2. Dude, your videos are amazing! If you were doing another series that weren't public it's alright, same goes for the sponsors, you still need to make a living out of this! by the way, the trailer for Nerd Sports looks amazing. I'd gladly pay to watch on Vessel. If only I weren't a 15 year old computer nerd freak that doesn't have a job (yet)
  3. Well, I only have a hard drive and it couldn't be slower. My Asus laptop (which is my main computer) is dying for an SSD as boot drive. Even if I got one I would still have another problem: The bios blocked itself and is inaccessible.
  4. Actually, what it means is that Intel monopolized the whole market by not letting anyone use the x86 instruction set. AMD can use it but they have to pay >_>
  5. It has a GTX 960! My current GPU is a 765m and my CPU is an i7-4700HQ (yes, laptop.)
  6. I'm in! I like the mouse, mouses and keyboards are the most useful peripheral obviously :]
  7. So my bios blocked itself. Yeeaaah... what can i even say... I installed Avast Antivirus (by the way, this was MONTHS ago but i'm reposting cuz i got no replies (lik if u cry ebritime)) and the next day i discovered it was a shit and uninstalled it. This fuckin antivirus took revene by takin the OS with it. After a long while, i had to get a fresh, new, legal (not what you think, it was really legal), copy of windows and for having your OS crash, DARN THAT WAS EXPENSIVE! Oh wait, i did not pay for it! my school gives me access to a copy of any Microsoft software! HAHAAAA! So i got the fresh copy installed and got my computer running once again! But... the Bios blocked itself. WHY OBAMA?! WHY ;_; Now a side story that happened yesterday/today: Windows 10 (yes, i upgraded...) got fucked too. Well, that's what i thought after having to force shutdown because of black screens and crazy lights and not responding for a good while() and then... Restart Madness! Get your tickets to The Fair of "Fuck Everything" and Commit Suicide because you cant play Minecraft anymore! ejem... after some restart madness it came back up. I tweeted it and today @WindowsSupport answered my "fuck everything ;_;" and offered help... I felt so bad because they were so nice to me Anyway, this is getting too long! My laptop is an Asus ROG G750JW and the BIOS is UEFI to my knowledge!
  8. dont worry bro, we've all been in that stage... MODS! QUICK!11!! BAN HIM!!1!!11
  9. I use Blender Software: www.blender.org because it's good and free! It's better known as "The free 3D animating program" but it also has Game Creation and Editing functions!
  10. More pendrive problems for me! YAAY! I not only had to get a new pendrive (exactly the same model, a Kingstone DataTraveler G4 32GB USB 3.0) because it locked itself up after 5-8 months of use, now i also installed windows 10 and i dont know who to blame: OS or Pendrive? Blame for what you ask? It has been disconnecting and instantly connecting by itself. I was saving a notepad file and the exact moment i hit "Save" i hear that beep sound from windows of "Media Disconnected" and instantly it connects back up, but 1 millisecond late for notepad to save it in the original location, so it brings up the explorer, showing the "My Documents" folder and asks for a location (i just cancel and save again, then it DOES work). Any nerdy ideas of why it might happen? WARNING: if your idea is not nerdy it will not be accepted unless they have to do with Socks and Sandals. And just to bother you, here's some text in Comic Sans: text in Comic Sans
  11. Smart switch that transfers all your data over? Not bad at all! I'm in!
  12. Thanks everybody for the quick replies! The Windows 10 was an upgrade, not a clean install The only drivers I updated (because a message popped up telling me to do so) were from NVIDIA GeFore Experience and my mouse (Razer). I will try reinstalling Blender (apparently there is a newer version anyway) and then tell you if it's fixed. and yes, i tried a very little rendering of about 10 seconds of a 1080p video with only one layer to render and it succeded, possibly because that is a little & easy render