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Remember, as pathetic as you may think you are, at least you aren't crying on live TV because the president wasn't found to have colluded with Russia pathetic.

  1. Syntaxvgm
  2. Tech_Dreamer


    i never understood the logic behind that coming from a news anchor that is on a platform that has to be unbiased , their sole job is to to observe & report & find if its true,  not finding it in its core source & crying because it's not the fairy tale you imagined it to be .

    B*TCH  GOT CATFISHED. RUSSIAN VERSION. 2 years of dating a fantasy Russian model online you haven't met but it's so real to you that you believe everything she says & finally deciding to meetup , only to find out it's a big fat ass ugly American holding a nothing burger.




  3. Tech_Dreamer


    @Syntaxvgm  : it more of a holding back tears while reporting  ,  Rachel maddow reading up on no indictment report . its just a brief clip, but still kinda hilarious to see people recording it just laughing over it .

  4. DrMacintosh


    Yeah, some reporters invested way too much into it thinking it would actually take him down. The whole RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA think was total BS. 


    However because the media so so narrow minded, its unlikely that we will see much coverage of the other investigations are are going on about him concerning financial crimes. 

  5. Tech_Dreamer


    its a good thing the system has an open platform to criticize a person sitting in power, i like that about the media, it has to be a part of a so called 'free nation' ,


    but they abused it excessively to the fullest to a point where it was near one sided propaganda like you hear from conspiracy nuts,  or maybe literally exposed itself while doing so , Project veritas stuff was dead on accurate on exposing it now that we're looking back at it , they were intentionally pushing a narrative without true source or reason or accurate info for the sole reason to favor one political side & use it as a smear for the other and make a controversial catchy story for ratings. how many birds did they kill with that one (Russian) stone.


    That was an ironical corruption investigation on the whole "intentional misinformation prop to gain votes" they were after . every single day there was some excessive assertion titled article & news on this . i'm glad he didn't stop the investigation mid way even when he had the power to knowing full well of the outcome,  but oddly those internal talks to stop it became the now "potential obstruction of justice" case stated in the report. but he walked through the fire through to the end anyways . good on him.
