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  1. If like getting 15 to 25 more frames per second is something important for you definetly upgrade your card it's a good time to upgrade I always make sure to skip a serie and then upgrade my card I think you should do that too !
  2. YEAAAAAAH ! For a good moment I have always been watching pc components on youtube and the first part I got for my first build was an ROG MOBO and it was the first time I see a gaming grade component and it was the same feeling as seeing a Ferrari in person !
  3. I always use a normal glass cleaning product with anty fiber cloth that works fine for my switch 810
  4. Yeah very good budget distribution but update the components every 12 to 18 months cause it's not that future proof though.
  5. hmm the site is not mine unfortunately thanks anyway
  6. Hi all, I have a website that I need to keep its images offline do you know if there is a tool for that ?
  7. Well I am in tunisia north africa and I had to buy almost all of my computer parts from NCIX CA and it took 3 months to arrive it has been shipped to france then I made a VISA to france and bought a plane ticket to go grab my stuff and go back to my country where third-party shipping is reeaaaaaly expensive and where there is no paypal
  8. BRUH wherever you are you will have be in a very good situation comaring to me I live in Tunisia North Africa and our currency is veeeeery weak due to revolution so gaming stuff became really expesive
  9. current non "k" intel core i5 gtx 760 8 gb of ram 2*4 2 mirrored 256gb ssd 2tb WD black (very robust) Mid range MOBO about 200$ any one from a good brand would be just fine 500w 80+ silver and above PSU
  10. the quality makes me remember the videos linus made about the 680 and the 3rd generation of intel cpus back in 2013
  11. Hey guys I am planning to buy a DSLR for video making and I have 2 fair questions:: 1- What is best a previous model high end used camera or a new mid range one ? 2- Shall I start with expensive lenses and "cheap" body and evoluate with the boudy or Vice Versa ?
  12. It's normal prices will come down in the upcoming few weeks
  13. no only engine heaven but it's okay I will sell it and buy a 980