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If you don’t already know the addictive properties of caffeine....


My soft drink of choice has always been a Dr. Pepper followed by sprite. But now when it comes to wanting a cold carbonated drink.....I drink Rockstar. I have to hide them from my dad because he takes them to work T.T


  1. Java


    I'd like to see the Dr..DR.PEPPER BABYYYYY FTW.  More of a Monster guy when it comes to long haul work but I won't judge.



    . . .


  2. DrMacintosh


    I’ve had Monster recently, but it was too sweet imo? Or idk, it had a strange after taste. I tried it most recently when I was picking up Panda Express on my way home from a bad math day at college ☠️

  3. Ashleyyyy


    caffeine addiction is real lol, i've been addicted to it for years.... i tried to quit it recently and i had constant headaches for 2 weeks and then i gave up... 

  4. RGProductions


    Oddly enough I get nearly zero withdrawal symptoms, but yeah I think I have a 400mg a day caffeine habit. It’s not fun 
