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Where did Biden supporters get the idea that South Carolina is the state that determines who wins the primary? Guess that because Warren is leading in Iowa and Bernie is leading in New Hampshire that the rules of politics change? Suddenly South Carolina is the one that matters? Give me a break! 

  1. Nowak


    I always wondered why Iowa and New Hampshire of all states are so important in our elections

  2. SenKa


    The fact that Biden is running gets a laugh out of me. Obama isn't here to hold your hand anymore sleepy joe!

  3. Java


    If Biden somehow wins the primary I will enter the v o i d

  4. SenKa
  5. Nowak


    tbh I'm fine with bernie or warren

  6. SenKa


    My issue with both is that 99% of their policies cannot happen in even 2 terms, and whoever comes next will just undo it all like Trump did with Obama. Their ideas are fine, but they take decades to implement and that won't happen. @Nowak

  7. Java


    I want Yang to run for congress first, get some experience in gov. but I do like him.  As I've said before a Bernie/Warren ticket would be nice. 

  8. SenKa


    I feel like Yang has a far more solid grasp of government than our current businessman president does. The first year of Trump's presidency seemed to be him learning how far he can push the presidential envelope, now he's settled in and focusing on pushing his agenda.

  9. Nowak


    Honestly I'd prefer someone who already has government experience over another businessman
