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That's uh, an interesting design? 


  1. DrMacintosh


    The front looks ok, the back looks like they let an "intern" design it. 

  2. D13H4RD


    I think that's what happened. 


    My Note8 honestly looks more thought out. 

  3. Techicolors


    odd looking fingerprint sensor

  4. D13H4RD


    Looks a lot like something that they didn't put much of a thought into. 


    The S9 actually looked like they put some thought into making it look flush. This one looks.....odd

  5. DrMacintosh


    The Note line kinda seems redundant. 


  6. D13H4RD


    Rumor has it that the Note line will be merged with the S line with the S10. 


    If true, that's actually not a bad move. The Note line hasn't seen much evolution compared to the S line equivalent since the Note5


    I know Note fans like myself will be a little sad but I think this is a logical move. 

  7. BlueChinchillaEatingDorito


    I'm not surprised. I think they intended of the stylus to be used to draw and whatever. And as big as the Note is compared to other phones, it's still a tad too small to be doing any serious drawing with a pen. I suppose people in Asian regions can use the pen to write their dialect better, though I've haven't had much of an issue with just using my fat finger for that either. 

  8. D13H4RD


    I don't really use it for serious drawing. 


    But it has come in handy for highlighting stuff 

  9. DrMacintosh


    Just use Markup with the new screenshot tool on iOS 11 ;)

  10. D13H4RD


    I use both but I don't take my iPad Pro with me all the time. :P


  11. DrMacintosh
  12. D13H4RD


    Inb4 I get an iPhone X+ to supplement the Note

  13. TopHatProductions115


    Oh boy - the stylus users are here. I better run b4 I get run over :P 
