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I truly feel sad for the people who still use VLC, for those who want an alternative K-Lite Codec is better in everyway https://codecguide.com/download_kl.htm

  1. MEC-777
  2. Windows7ge


    I've only ever had 1 issue with VLC and that's maintaining a session with a file being streamed over a network while opening a full screen application. Sometimes VLC just nopes and closes. For a period of time I had the issue where it would stop playing a stream and crash but that had more to do with my NIC. Beyond all that VLC is pretty solid for my use case. I'd still recommend it to people.

  3. flibberdipper


    @MEC-777 "I don't like it for some reason most people don't give half an ass about and therefore nobody should use it" ;) 

  4. MEC-777


    I've never had any issues with VLC. 

  5. flibberdipper


    Only problem I've had is trying to enable D3D acceleration on a GeForce 3 and it wasn't happy about it and it'd just crash on launch, but that's not even VLC's fault.

  6. Origami Cactus

    Origami Cactus

    The issue i had with vlc is that it crashed when laptop changed the wifi network while playing a video.

    It is a very wtf problem, but other than that vlc is fine.

  7. Tech_Dreamer


    i tried it for a day years ago , didn't like it except the fact you can boost the volume up beyond 100%.

  8. MEC-777


    @Tech_Dreamer You can do that in Linux without VLC. ;) 

  9. Rohith_Kumar_Sp


    @MEC-777 didn't say anything wrong with it, said you'd get more out of Klite codec. things you have to go through more than 3 steps just to get the same things on VLC. 

    @Tech_Dreamer if you need volume to go beyond 100% then the problem lies elsewhere. 

    @tmcclelland455 again, never said anything about VLC problems. - fixed typo  

    any of you tried pressing 3 on MPC and using the fast playback function? works charms to binge on things. 




    have you tried using the Numpad in MPC HC?  
    the fact you need to download extensions to such basic tasks as these : 


    the point is Klite Codec does everything VLC does but better or more convenient. 

  10. flibberdipper


    @Rohith_Kumar_Sp nice reading pal, I never said that you said something about VLC problems, all you did was play yourself 10/10

  11. Rohith_Kumar_Sp


    @tmcclelland455 typo = "i never mentioned there are problems with VLC" its 4 am and i typed i never said anything about VLC instead. i thought one thing and typed another. 

  12. MEC-777


    S'all good. I don't use many features in VLC. I just use it to play video files and it does that for me, simple enough. :) 

  13. Rohith_Kumar_Sp


    @MEC-777 i get that, speaking of simple things, if VLC atleast could give me an option to select audio tracks and subs more easily like this, i don't mind anyone using what they wish, it's just that i've met few people fanboying over VLC and refuse to reason when i tell them there's another thing as good or better and they downright close thier ears and start to sing. so this was me venting.  



  14. Windows7ge


    Same as MEC-777, I just use it to play MP3, MP4, sometimes FLAC. Beyond that I use no other features. If I recommend VLC to someone and they tell me lather on that it doesn't have the features they were looking for then I can keep K-lite as a backup recommendation.

  15. MEC-777


    @Rohith_Kumar_Sp You are right, VLC does have some strange, convoluted methods for trying to do rather simple things, now that I think about it. I just use those features so rarely that I've never considered it an issue. Now pardon me while I check to see if there's a Linux version of K-Lite... ;) 
