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Everything posted by Aprime

  1. Frankly the guy that livrstreamed the whole thing did everyone a great service and I personally wouldn't even mind if it was self-promotion.
  2. I think a big problem Netflix has is the amount of simultaneous users on the platform. It's fairly common for people to share accounts and that makes it harder to extract capital out of the user base. I don't know anyone that hasn't shared their subscription. I couldn't say the same about SpotifyGPM/etc and family plans. There are many other ways they could monetize the platform or content further but I don't think they know better than to play with the sub fees. If you're looking at it from a dollar for dollar, the music streaming platforms, particularly Google's, are a much better value proposition than Netflix... At least to me. GPM is a repository of my old songs on top of all the new stuff I buy or stream and I don't even have to pay for that feature. The algorithm is fantastic at finding content for me to listen to and I spend a lot more time listening to music than I am watching movies. I'm also not aware of either platforms discontinuing content, which Netflix regularly does, on top of dumping a ton of garbage that disinterests me from the platform, kinda how I slowly came to stop playing video games during the Humble Bundle peak period.
  3. Sounds like a design flaw. I get that issue using a lot of monitor pass-throughs. Disappointing to hear it crops up on laptops.
  4. Allegedly with no evidence. Sounds like lies/dreams/hallucinations. It's also crap tier reporting. Single source and bait.
  5. lol I do all the time I've got 2GB of data and I pay for the number/SMS capabilities in the first place so why not
  6. It sticks up. I never used screen protectors. The S9+ seems to handle keys better too so yay for that. I usually always end up with at least one scratch after a month. Not so much this time.
  7. I have this one. https://www.amazon.com/Spigen-Durable-Flexible-Protection-Geometric/dp/B078FGFJRT/ref=sr_1_43?s=wireless&ie=UTF8&qid=1527807876&sr=1-43&keywords=galaxy s9 plus case&tag=linus21-20 Good fit, durable, protects the S9+ well. Wish it came in different colours though.
  8. Consider that PL needs to run off the same circuit. Different breakers mean having to bridge the connection if you want it to work at all, and by then you're probably better off on Wi-Fi.
  9. On a good day (e.g. most of last year when we weren't getting smoked or rained on, dunno what's up this year with the low vis.) you can see Mt. Baker in the distance.
  10. Apple isn't responsible for people asking about compatibility, the nature of our entire marketplace is. It goes from screws having a resemblance of a common standard to being part of a different one (JIS vs Phillips) all the way to the very standards not being respected (e.g. USB-C is a mess). You can even apply the logic to language. It's better that people ask than they don't in the circumstances.
  11. Just cut yourself a TG side panel. There, 2018.
  12. I need to remember to do that.
  13. lol because I don't know, but he's just making that Harold face in that screenshot.
  14. Xen architecture featuring Half-Life 3 I mean Valve is apparently interested in making games again after all so why not
  15. It's a huge bump on the longevity/durability front.
  16. I just hate waiting for things and I've decided to drop mechanical storage altogether. I went overboard but yolo
  17. nah actually it's fine it's just the second time I buy NVME drives right before a refresh. This bump isn't as big.
  18. I just bought 4 2TB 960 Pros. Guess how I feel.
  19. It's back. Unwarranted take-down. WOULDN'T HAPPEN ON FLOATPLANE!