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  1. This conversation has so many sidetracks and off-topic discussions that I laugh every time I see the title and then read the thread LOL
  2. First of all, circular logic is an entirely valid form of logic - everyone uses it daily. Secondly, when someone can prove themselves to be God, I'll 100 percent trust what they are going to say. Period.
  3. I don't know if it's about the hate itself that bugs you, but the fact that it says "too many" not "too much" hate REALLY gets on my nerves
  4. The Romans were extremely thorough. When they pierced Jesus' side and water came out, they knew (and current medicine would confirm) that the body was dead. They also would be extremely careful around someone that the people despised, to ensure nobody stole the body. The time period has nothing to do with it. The evidence, is that hundreds of people saw him alive afterwards, that there's no body to be found.
  5. They didn't observe him coming back to life, yes, but when someone is confirmed dead but is seen alive again later, he definitely did come back to life.
  6. Don't agree with the last bit, personally, but well said.
  7. I'm a Christian, I don't hate gays - it says nothing about hating gays in the Bible.
  8. Jesus backed up the Bible, and proved himself to be God by doing something totally unique - a self-resurrection.
  9. Can't prove Deadpool. Can, however, prove the Bible.
  10. A Christian is someone who believes in Jesus Christ as their savior.
  11. Because it's the most viable answer I've been able to find. It's pretty easily backed up, too, one book explains everything.
  12. It's entirely possible. My schools have been the worst. How I learned it was that you cannot come to a conclusion without observing the reaction/experiment/poll (etc) without seeing it through from start to finish.