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Everything posted by joshuamurphy

  1. I installed non-free drivers just last week via the additional drivers with the system settings. Honestly when I have screw ups like this (I've done this a few times) I just reinstalled Ubuntu (12.04 LTS) and just used my intel cpu. Then last week I tried giving it a try again I just went into system settings then additional drivers then installed the non-free one and then opened steam. Steam gave me an error and I googled it. The results came up with this and it worked and I saved it in Gdrive: This seem to happen on every 64bits OS. Full bug report here: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/321 Solution: sudo gedit /etc/ld.so.conf.d/steam.conf Add next two lines to file: /usr/lib32 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa Then execute: sudo ldconfig Now you should be able to run Steam So yeah I tried that and my gpu worked for the first time in about 6 months so that's how I did it.
  2. will be getting rust soon and will be checking out your server (:
  3. Updates would be impossible and I'm pretty sure that you would have terrible ping while playing.
  4. I'll post some stuff I slowly learnt: sudo apt-get update. This will update all your packages (apps) and will make everything up to date. No more updating each app separately which is something amazing. sudo apt-get upgrade If there's packages to be upgraded use this to upgrade them. I usually do this one at the same time as the one above. This can be done by using && to link them together e.g. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade cd (folder name) This will go to a folder ls This will list all the files and folders in the directory that you are in. Folders are blue I think. rm (file name) This will remove or delete the file.\ sudo. This is the administator privilages. Also if it says permission denied then you are not root. Use sudo to become root i.e apt-get update = not good but sudo apt-get update = correct. Hint: !! will repeat your last command and using sudo !! will repeat the last command but with sudo privillages. Anyways need any help at all flick me a PM.
  5. I don't know if gedit will do the job but I know it's used for coding. Just try it out and also look at the settings (Check display line numbers) And i've used pico from the command line but I don't think that will suit your needs.
  6. But would make a great Linux steam streaming laptop
  7. But I meant isn't it runned and mantained by ElementaryOS?
  8. Glad to hear it. I think that aslong as you know you didn't brake any moral laws then it is fine in my opinion. Anyway glad to help and I can be reachable by PM anytime.
  9. And with game streaming coming to Steam I think we'll see a tonne of people coming to SteamOS
  10. Hope this all goes well. Feel free to PM me at anytime
  11. I've been using Linux and I don't see a reason to go back to Windows.
  12. Like? I know elementaryOS has their own browser but that's the only one I know of. I know all the big distro's just pretty much go with Firefox.
  13. I use FF. I used Chrome since some of the early days (like before it hit double digits if I remembered right) but switched to Firefox after all the crashes and slowness became too much to deal with. Firefox has been awesome and I love it.
  14. I would check out some hackintosh sites and see where they get their ISOs from
  15. http://nz.pcpartpicker.com/p/2rZQT That equals $1000 but I still have to get a power supply and a copy of Windows. Also I think he will prefer windows 7 over windows 8. He has never used 8 before and would be more at home with 7
  16. So my friend and I were talking about Steam sales and I asked if him if he would get a gaming PC. He said yes but only if it was under $1000 Could you please look at this and tell me what you think? http://nz.pcpartpicker.com/p/2rWdL PC will be used for gaming and the budget is $1000 NZD max (roughly USD $815) Many thanks
  17. I would go with SP120's as they're pretty good and way more nice to look at
  18. If I have enough money maybe an HTC one, but I'm mainly looking at some SSD's and a few steam games aswell as a bag because my old one is ruined and I still have studies next year.
  19. That screen looks awesome. How much did it cost you?
  20. Ubuntu is great (I'm using it right now) but can be super slow for old PC's. I would look at Lubuntu (:
  21. 100% CPU usage? That's crazy maybe there is too many startup activities going on when you turn it on. I would still recommend a reinstall of the OS