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Everything posted by loganryan99

  1. When we upgrade to 4.0 it will be outside of IP.Content which will let us use SSL
  2. Honestly I have no idea, but I am assuming they're using RAD Game Tools' Iggy thing, because it fits this description perfectly. http://www.radgametools.com/iggy.htm Honestly it doesn't look that bad, but it's frustrating I have to buy CS 5 for source modding now.
  3. This is out of my control as we are at the mercy of IP.Content but I don't see why it would matter. No sensitive data is being transferred via the API, and most of this site isn't SSL anyways.
  4. I'd do a reinstall, or possibly a system restore if that'd even do anything... Sorry to hear that man
  5. Idk what went through Valve's head when they decided this, but it looks like the UI for all Source 2 games is going to be based on........ FLASH?!?!?!? WHAT THE HELL? I know people hate on SimCity and the Glassbox Engine it runs on but one of the things Maxis/EA did right with it is using HTML 5 for the UI, and it caused no issues. Now if modders want to add or change UI elements in any Source 2 games they need to use expensive commercial software on an out of date and dying platform. https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Dota_2_Workshop_Tools/Custom_UI This is ridiculous.
  6. I don't think you realize how many of these threads there are not just on this forum but basically any forum that has a programming section... Long story short - they never work out.
  7. After you program for long enough you basically would see those as the same thing. Human languages are inefficient and quirky so it'd be a lot more writing to accomplish the same thing. Honestly I think it'd be even less readable than traditional code.
  8. Wait, I spread the thermal paste when I installed my cooler... I felt like if I didn't it wouldn't apply evenly. Is it really a big deal?
  9. ARM sucks. There's a reason why web browsing on modern phones is still slow.
  10. I could be wrong but I think Thunderbolt is just PCIe with a small connector (same as mini DP)
  11. I think it's going to be a loooooooooooooooooooong time before Microsoft has any financial issues...
  12. We're working on it, it's going to come with a larger update so it might take awhile. Trust me, when we release what we're working on you won't be disappointed
  13. loganryan99

    wow! loved your biography :p

    thankyouuuu :)
  14. Yes, should come sometime after the upgrade to IPB 4
  15. We're going to have a better system once we upgrade IPB versions. This is just something I threw together in a few minutes to make things slightly easier EDIT: I should mention that this future API is mainly for internal use and I can't guarantee that LMG will let me open it up to everyone.
  16. With the way current LTT notifiers work, they constantly have to reload the index page of the forum and parse the messy HTML and stuff, and download all of the images just to get the notification count. I figured I would make a simple way to fix this. API URL: https://linustechtips.com/main/page/api.php This page returns a JSON array with some data about the member currently logged in. Any future LTT addons should use this as it increases speed and reduces bandwidth Functionality will be expanded in the future. Note: When there is no user logged in the display_name value will be set to Guest. If you're developing an extension outside of a browser, you'll have to figure out a way to send a POST request to the server to log the user in. I'm not even sure this is possible at this point because IPB might have some kind of security for that. Update 8/14: Use this URL: http://linustechtips.com/main/?app=core&module=global&section=login?cm_api=true to process sign in from external apps. You should be able to just display it to the user then save the cookies it gives you somehow. I'll publish my implementation of it when it's ready. Update 8/15: Using this URL: http://linustechtips.com/main/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=notificationlog&cm_notif_api=true you can get user notifications encoded in JSON.
  17. If he actually gets it then good for him, lol.
  18. Is marrying rich considered a career?
  19. The offline mod wasn't really offline. All it did was stop the game from closing if you lost connection. You couldn't save locally or anything and you still needed internet to launch the game. SimCity did get cracked but you had to use a crappy custom server that was really buggy and didn't keep up with updates.
  20. "If I install Windows 7 32bit twice would that make it 64bit?" http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/efcd4783-e948-4f85-9659-7a6e9139a931/upgrading-from-windows-7-32bit-to-64bit
  21. DRM that makes it impossible to pirate a game is the only DRM done properly. I'm not saying it's good or that I like it, (who would) but it's the only effective form of DRM. Yes there are pirate servers for a lot of games but they usually have bugs and stuff that retail versions of the game wouldn't have. Also, I should clarify that I never said that always online DRM worked 100% of the time. My point is that if a developer really wanted to they could move so much of the game's logic and assets to the server that it would be nearly impossible to pirate. An extreme example of this would be streaming games, which are impossible to pirate for obvious reasons.
  22. Unfortunately this isn't true. The only effective DRM is also the worst. Always online DRM, when done properly, can't be cracked without significant engineering work on the part of the pirate. You'd have to write your own server that talks to the game just like the official ones would, which is basically impossible.
  23. This is kind of an odd one, but my favorite tech company is Take 2 Interactive. For those who don't know, they own 2K, Rockstar and Irrational. They're the one major, publicly traded publisher/developer that doesn't screw over it's customers. Almost all of their games are extremely well done and they give their studios a lot of creative freedom. None of the release before finished/downgraded PC versions/insane DRM bullshit.