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Biased Opinion

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Everything posted by Biased Opinion

  1. Finally got a HDD caddy so that i can put a HDD in my macbook pro. The final step will be to pick up a 256 GB SSD to replace the 120GB on, a 1TB (or maybe 2TB) to replace the 500GB that i just threw in there and to double the RAM to 16GB. Feels so nice to actually have space on this thing. 120GB really is not enough.
  2. ignoring the fan service (of which there is a fucking lot) Senran Kagura games are perfectly good on their own. Dismissing a game as stupid and devoid of any worth just becasue of the way in which its is portrayed is stupid. Now concerning shit that i have bought recently. A Wacom Intuos tablet for playing Osu. So much better than trying to play with a mouse and keyboard.
  3. I think you are forgetting what country sony is from, this kind of shit happens all the time with stuff from japan. Just look at all the arcade games that you will never see outside of japan and maybe HK/SK.
  4. should have just sold your 970 and bought a shit graphics card
  5. Something like that would probably be annoying to setup when your bouncing from booth to booth in a trade show and would also have the potential to ruin lighting. It also would not get rid of all the background noise. Its really just something you have to live with when it comes to videos of that nature. Unless you want them to dub over the video in post with will delay the release of the videos and overall create more work for LTT.
  6. pretty sure that regardless of what mic you use it would pick up background noise at trade shoes and conventions.
  7. www.4chan.org/wg/ www.4chan.org/w/
  8. as much as that makes the purple stand out i still think the best combo would would be red and purple on either a black or white background. Something about those colors just seems to go well together. Certainly better than red and blue at least.
  9. Titties for days. While i don't give a shit about special editions for most things when it comes to 3DS games i hate having non physical copies.
  10. The number of people i see in IT courses who cant touch type is fucking unbelievable.
  11. probably less than what it took to produce and move the 1 tank of fuel. Internal combustion engines are not very efficient, this has been known for a long time. Also while the cost of power will go up over time because inflation and idiots not moving to renewables it will never match the cost per unit energy of petrol, that would just be insane and nobody could afford to even power their homes.
  12. force touch worked fine for a trackpad but i would hate it for a keyboard. As it stands i find the macbook keyboard really uncomfortable to type on due to the low travel and having no travel at all would not be a fun or in my opinion accurate experience.
  13. that being said, one tank of 93 octane costs a hell of a lot more now than a full charge for this car.
  14. only do reboots to update shit or if something breaks. Occasionally just to dump the ram. Gotta keep up that bakabt seed ratio.
  15. I would argue that its more appropriate to use it here just due to the game in question(nobody ever talks about arcades anymore). Also i would argue that maxitune is one of the best competitive racing games available.
  16. The entire PCMR thing is a bit of a meme. I'm just taking a crack at it in this thread because maxitune is a hardcore arcade game. I mostly just want to see if anyone plays it at all but unless your from south east asia, nippon, HK, South Korea or Australia chances are pretty good that you have never even seen a machine in real life.
  17. Glorious PC Master Race you say, you plebs have not felt pleasure till you have raced the Wangan at 830 HP http://puu.sh/jLDVU/fe679c0805.jpg Maxi Tune thread i guess
  18. what are you talking about, green indicates low power consumption which is something the Maxwell chips are known for. Its blue that indicates lower temperatures.
  19. speaking of eating in class, there is a picture floating around of some guy who bought a gas stove into a lecture at UQ(same city as me but im at QUT) and was cooking breakfast in the lecture.
  20. SYMPHOGEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://puu.sh/jISmW/b515f184d7.png