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Everything posted by Mikeyj426

  1. IIRC you can bridge it through the motherboard but it's bad? I'll bet he just didn't put it on and didn't bother to install an os for the video.
  2. What? You guys are downright not able to ship to some countries? Like is there a reason like the US and Cuba? lol
  3. Thanks! Yeah it's meh to me too but i'l leaving it for now because i'm taking the pinstripe off, getting new wheels and a few other things and I'll decide then, probably going to go close to a black-out theme.
  4. Nice! cool story pretty awesome to hear your determination in wanting to fix it.
  5. You need external power not from a USB port if you want more voltage.
  6. Because in most cases (heh) you can build a better computer specs wise for cheaper.
  7. Not that I know of, but I would also add that I believe there is going to be cross platform play on some games with windows 10? Surely your friends would have to have the new xbox for that though.
  8. Gutentag! Guten morgen! I should learn more German considering that's my entire heritage, kinda weird that my last name is Johannes though. Very common first name in Germany right?
  9. I currently live in Chicago and love it, would just rather have a nice apartment in Trump Tower, or in London, I don't know where though i'm going to take a semester abroad in London though.
  10. I agree I feel that the new GT kinda brings it up to date. Personally I really like the look of it but I can easily see how some would not. It just looks more like how it performs now if that makes sense.
  11. I have a 2002 mustang GT I don't know why it's rotated........help? :unsure: My dream car is the 2016 ford GT
  12. go to reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace and they have a bunch of different build guides updated weekly.
  13. Yeah the only thing i've cared to do is replace the battery now I just want it to die
  14. Well I never said I like the computer lol, just the trackpad. No actually I'm trying to kill it so I can justify in my head getting a new laptop/surface pro 3. I have dropped it and while walking out of my room with it ran into the doorframe and completly indented the chassis lol. GG.
  15. yeah just secure the fans and keep a good distance if it's that powerful.
  16. You should go to reddit.com/r/microsoftsoftwareswap. That's the best place to get windows legally.
  17. I haven't seen this before, it's really funny but I gotta agree with geekazoid.
  18. chrome, however it has gone down in quality recently IMO. However it all being tied through google apps is really nice and i'm just waiting for the full release of a 64bit version as the beta is eh so far.
  19. 2011 macbook pro. really love the multi finger interactions.
  20. The best way to do it, as i have, it open it up, take the heat sink off, put the cpu in direct sunlight, overclock it a buttload, and watch it explode /s no seriously don't do this if you want to continue using it, but if you don't i seriously recommend doing this with saftey glasses
  21. it's been super slow for me and I don't have the patience to let it time out lol.