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  1. mine looks and feels great on the black version.
  2. nice - just got mine the other day. went with mx browns as well. love it. the goat bar looks really nice when lit up. recommend checking it out once you get the puller.
  3. excellent point - you'll need skill + opportunity to align you could be the most talented person ever, but if there's no business case for your skills then you're stuck
  4. i'm a chief engineer be really good at solving problems, and not necessarily technical ones watching how brilliant people do their job
  5. agree with the general sentiment - gear acquisition paralysis becomes nonsense in practical use cases. just pick a suitable one and get busy - it's the content that matters most.
  6. and race it around a track for 15 minutes? lol, at least the simulator lets you lap out.
  7. damn this deal is over. costs almost as much to put some nice new pads on my worn out 7506...
  8. i still have the GD05 it worked very nicely for about 6 years as HTPC. only complaint in these is that they are a pain to open up for modifications after the fact, compared to a side window tower. but, with HTPC, you really build and forget anyway.
  9. hmmm. i don't sleep the computer, just have the display turn off after so many minutes... but i did try this a few times and it did happen. i just power cycled the display though to fix. i'm going to try hooking up my MBP and see if it is the display's issue or the OS/driver.
  10. i don't know how to objectively capture that. i don't have any noticeable issues with gaming - i set the AA off and reduce quality to "high" for 60fps and i really enjoy the experience. fast motion is observable and i can aim properly when shooting. instead of a blur, i can definitely see the target strafing and ducking.
  11. good choice - the 13" MBP is still the best laptop out there.
  12. yeah i tried out a TN panel and it was not working for me, lol.