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Everything posted by Oasis

  1. Wow, that isn't blatantly sexist at all.
  2. Uh, why do you need 32 GB for GTA V? lol
  3. PC Gamer found itself some Touhou
  4. Wow, might be time to grab some 2x8GB sticks.
  5. Just a friendly PSA from PCGamer: http://www.pcgamer.com/rockstar-social-club-hasnt-been-hacked-but-change-your-passwords-anyway/
  6. The fact that you think no one else in the world had your exact build is kinda hilarious.
  7. I used to listen to that vid when I was studying.
  8. I read it in 5th grade, seemed fine then, though I might not remember whatever bits you're talking about that made it less fun. Aww... sad to hear that.
  9. Oh come on, Animal Farm's fantastic.
  10. Niiiiiiice, The Odyssey's got some great stuff to dissect.
  11. I was talking about them leaving the con. Also, all this footage is filmed by the group in question, yeah? What stops them from just not releasing the more incriminating bits of their behaviour at the con?
  12. Eat less, exercise more.
  13. So I started watching the second video. What moron goes into a "Women in Comics" panel touting that men have problems too? Edit: Oh wow, then they get in a more heated debate with the panelists. I'm sure that was not what this panel was supposed to be. Edit2: Yeah, they disrupted the panel.
  14. Valid point I guess, lol. Kinda figured OP was looking for something a bit more entertaining than enlightening though.
  15. That's basically a list of the books I had to read for AP Lit...
  16. Oh, and The Road. Edit: Oh god and World War Z, I promise its better than the shit show that was the movie adaptation.
  17. Instead of that they just let you choose your stats.
  18. It's totally not a genre that you specified and you probably won't like it, but you should read The Fountainhead and report back.
  19. I heard they disrupted panels and were all around assholes. If that's how you're going to behave at a con, then good riddance. "modern day feminism" is just gender feminism and its been around for decades... Equity feminism is the non-vocal majority that most people tend to fall under.
  20. No problem. Like I said earlier, good luck. Writing a paper on gaming culture should be interesting, hope you do well.