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Everything was going exceptionally well during lunch today. Temp was cold, had a San Pellegrino in hand, and playing pool with friends.


Then a girl I was chatting with for half an hour said I was "cute". 


Image result for sweating bullets

  1. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    Meanwhile, I'm over here like





  2. DrMacintosh


    My only female interaction today was sending this girl the notes for our Math lecture. Lol


    Well I guess I talked to some during the break in Chem. 

  3. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    I almost got in fights stopping people from getting in fights in my chem class.

  4. ARikozuM


    That still counts as progress! 




    "Hey there, beautiful! I've compiled the latest and neatest notes for your viewing pleasure. ;)"



  5. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    One of my online friends has/had(not sure which at this point) a crush on me and I still don't really know how to react.


    There's an 8 hour time difference between us, so even if we tried it wouldn't really work out anyway...

  6. ARikozuM


    Nerds fighting? How many calculators were involved and what was the probability of said calculators being Texas Instruments?

  7. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    Bro, everyone in my chem class has a Texas Instruments calculator :D

    I'm the only one with one in my math class, funny how that works out. I've got a TI-86, love the thing. One of my favorite things to do is use the letter feature to say "My calculator is cooler than your's" and have that on the screen when people either ask to borrow it or just to show people and flex on them xD


    No calculators were involved actually, but this one guy and this one girl fought like an old married couple. Brought back memories of some of my earlier days with some other friends.

  8. piemadd


    I had a crush that moved to another school


    but i still got my eyes peeled ya know

  9. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    Also I love the fact that I say "chemistry" and "fight" and you jump all the way to "nerds"

  10. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    @ImplosiveNUTech "you wouldn't know her, she goes to another school".


    @ARikozuM also "nerds fighting" basically sums up this entire forum :D

  11. ARikozuM


    You're lucky. We're not allowed to use anything higher than a Ti-84. My calc teacher took our calculators away for the first exam since he used all whole numbers for answers and work. 

  12. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    My school doesn't care what kind of calculator we use, although I think there's never been a need for a graphing calculator.


    I enjoy flexing on all the other people because I can use really high exponents due to my calculator, but they can't. xD

  13. piemadd


    @Crunchy Dragon she still goes to the football games(american, not that round ball soccer bullshit) and a lot of people at my school know her


    just a few know i have the crush tho

  14. ARikozuM


    I remember taking my rackets to SCF a few Fridays ago. We played a game of tennis and then decided to run around the school to see who would give up first. Just two random guys running around at full speed around the perimeter. 


    Good times... Except the 92F sun... 

  15. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    One time I challenged a kid in my science class to a footrace during lunch.


    I outpaced him and won. Easily.

  16. ARikozuM



    american, not that round ball soccer bullshit

    Image result for what meme

  17. DimasRMDO


    The furthest thing I've done to my crush was going out with her and we almost held hands together (almost, didn't touch :|). We were joking around, we talked about school work, cars, etc.


    To realize she was actually an environment maniac. When I asked her out to go drifting together with my car, she asked what car (and engine), after I explained everything to her she started talking about EVs and stuff and told me not to drift anymore.


    Gambar terkait


    Everything's become awkward since then.

    Come on, use your Huniepop skills @ARikozuM, you've beaten the game in Alpha :P

  18. ARikozuM


    @Crunchy Dragon He was too busy figuring out how many calories would be required and at what pace they would be best used. 


    As in, he's a lazy shit scientist.

  19. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    I'm a Christian kid, we can't hug people without it counting as premarital sex xD



    For real though, I haven't hugged a girl since like Feb/March of this year.

  20. ARikozuM


    @DimasRMDO Just go for it. Your hobbies won't be stopped over a simple dispute. Go for the gold! Just make sure you take off with all four wheels at proper traction. xD

  21. piemadd


    @ARikozuM try a 5k in 94 f heat

  22. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon


    Your hobbies won't be stopped over a simple dispute.

    Just don't compromise, that'll revoke all your privileges as a non-environmentalist.

  23. DimasRMDO



    She's found a clique, everything's become much harder, maybe in Australia since she's also going to study there too.

    You go for your gold, use your skills in Huniepop, red, blue, yellow, match them up and score your highest point :P. Then after your fourth date OwO

  24. piemadd


    @Crunchy Dragon according to the running coaches at my school, talking between the boy and girl runners=pretty much hooking up


    it is forbidden



  25. piemadd


    @Crunchy Dragon according to the running coaches at my school, talking between the boy and girl runners=pretty much hooking up


    it is forbidden


