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Everything posted by ObeseWalrus

  1. You know that there are games that are better played with a controller and some people don't like cables right?
  2. Popular does not mean bad, I love all kinds of music.
  3. I would like the poll to have some more reasonable options like Yes and No.
  4. ObeseWalrus

    Ahh Yes, i haven't told you a dream i had today…

    nasty :(
  5. ObeseWalrus

    what 2 companys should i compare for my busines…

    Do Twitter and Facebook
  6. ObeseWalrus

    Steam should really have a better system to fin…

    New UI, New less shitty and slow backbone, better Big Picture, better search for both groups and friends and finally, support that does not suck donkey balls.
  7. ObeseWalrus

    Steam should really have a better system to fin…

    Steam should get a major fucking overhaul already but nooooooo, Valve is a shitty company that only cares about hauling money in from CSGO and DOTA2.
  8. ObeseWalrus

    I still dont understand the iPad Pro

    does anyone?
  9. ObeseWalrus

    When you gotta be Drake but you need to setup a…

    How it feels to do anything IT related.
  10. ObeseWalrus

    Just drove for the first time and, wow it feels…

    It feels scary at first, but I promise that you will grow to love it.
  11. ObeseWalrus

    I'm scrapping the 9/11 essay idea, and I'm 4 pa…

    nope, it's really a good topic but you need to be respectful and have a good imagination.
  12. ObeseWalrus

    Got my learners today. My driving instructor is…

    I'm so sorry for you, my driving instructor is awesome and we smalltalk all the time when we drive. Also I passed theory yesterday so yay for me.
  13. The results seem flawed. How can 2 120mm fans at 2200 rpm be quieter than 2 140mm noctua ones at 1500? also the pump noise is not included in this test.
  14. hej då! Welcome to this forum.
  15. ObeseWalrus

    Am I the only teen who likes listening to NPR?…

    We are few. I like to listen to Radio 27/4 (pretty much same thing but in danish)
  16. you can get your muscles to twitch by using them really hard. i can do it with my entire head when tightening them really hard. It's normal