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old reece frost

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Everything posted by old reece frost

  1. I have custard creams edit: ran out of custard creams
  2. TTGL [Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann] is a great anime for people like you who are just starting out. It's a great show that features giant fucking robots. It has a great dub too for if you don't want to read the subs
  3. When I had my laptop, I put plasti dip on it and put the stickers over that for easy removal of them
  4. Everything should be RGB, I'd like to change my whole set-ups colour without having to re buy a lot of things.
  5. Download a TV show that you're into and binge on it in the car on your phone/tablet.
  6. My TV cannot pick up my remote to save its life...
  7. Generally, Blues are the best for typing, but if you live with people, then you might want to get browns as they much much quieter, but have the same tactile bump as blues do. That being said, it is best to try each switch for yourself. You can buy one of these and they ship to Australia. Which ever switch you like best, you should buy
  8. My RGB just turned up. My initial reaction down below
  9. If their website was on squarespace then we wouldn't have this problem
  10. When your pepes aren't rare enough
  11. Can confirm, am currently drinking tea
  12. Dell are the only people I am aware of who has made a 24 inch 1440p monitor. Here's the amazon links: UK US
  13. I currently have 100mb/s, sure it's fast, but I would love gigabit internet. Mainly cause the upload I have is shit.
  14. 3D Mark is the most pay to win shit ever. Also, OP. Don't rush the build or you'll make a mistake. source: didn't plug in CPU fan on my first build. My E5800 didn't like that.
  15. Just ordered a few things... A few...
  16. Does this count? I bought a GTX 780 like a few weeks before the 980 came out, I could have afforded the 980 ._.
  17. Last night was pretty hot over here. And then it started thundering and lightning and then it hail stoned. Was still hot though ._. Things are a lot more cool today