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About BrapYeah

  • Birthday Apr 29, 1991

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    Junior Member
  1. I love the look of the Keyboard!
  2. Hi, I am thinking of running a powerline adapter to the far end of my apartment as the wifi is shit down there and it makes it hard to do anything and it is kind of the schoolwork room also with a chromecast for Netflix. I am looking at this powerline adapter http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00AWRUICG?keywords=Powerline&qid=1445912058&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1 Basically I want to be able to plug in 3 computers in this room, I am wondering if I can just get an Ethernet splitter or will I have to get an extra adapter? Or even a cheap switch if it is cheap enough. Keeping cost down is the number 1 priority.
  3. He mentions the wiggle so you can be sure its not strangely propped up on a pin I imagine.
  4. I always assumed a very high percentage of players were on adderall, it it very accessible and I imagine it would help players performance drastically.
  5. Congratulations! I personally love your game benchmarks where you actually bench it yourselves and don't just post the fps that is circulating.
  6. I have been seeing these posts for years, literally years. When will these magic batteries actually be mass produced is the million dollar question.
  7. I have had this problem (had an iphone, switched over to the android side of things), my girlfriend has an iphone and we had this issue a lot, and it has happened with several of her other friends as well. I don't believe it is an intentional bug, I think it's just hard to get iOS to stop sending imessages whenever someone switches to a different OS. Just my take I didn't know this, had we (girlfriend and I), it would have made it almost a non-issue lol.
  8. I think they are trying to lead by example, maybe if other states start to follow then phone manufacturers will build a hardware kill switch (kind of dumb considering you wouldn't be able to locate the phone). I really like the idea of not giving cash for used phones though, that means there WILL be a money trail when trying to track down a lost/stolen phone. I like the measures they are taking, but the deciding factor will be how they are implemented.
  9. My favorite thing about the HTC One is the build quality, I put phones through torture and I need one that can take the abuse.
  10. Actually from what I've heard both Microsoft and Sony said they would be turning a profit on consoles sold this generation.
  11. but Criso8 what if x amount of people stop playing because the community is full of trolls. This could also be a preventative measure. I know how frustrated I get when in an objective game and only one person is alive and they intentionally don't win. Those kind of trolls should be punished for not playing the game properly in my opinion.
  12. I have put zero thought into this, but think about using some sort of turbo or supercharger to force more air through radiators/heat sinks. Now that would be awesome
  13. I think Volbet got it right, a gamer is simply someone who loves playing games. It doesn't mean someone is a competitive or crazy talented player. They just have to enjoy it and love playing it. I love playing the original HoMM but I can't get past the 3rd level. I love pokemon and play competitively on a couple simulators. I must agree though, I think calling someone a gamer should limit them to PC/console/handheld systems that are specifically designed for gaming. I don't think my friend that had a Bejeweled score of 300,000 (still no idea how she is that good, I blame my color deficiency lol) would be a gamer because if she tried playing any genre on PC or console, she would have no clue how to begin. Just my personal beliefs.
  14. He is just getting into PCs, FX 8320 would probably be faster than anything he's used in the past, saving $30 there to put into a GPU is a good idea in my opinion.