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Everything posted by Daegun

  1. I didn't see this anywhere so time to start the rumor mill spinning. Take with lots of salt. It seems that not only has Intel been having problems with their 10nm process, but they've been unable to fix them and have resorted to making it less dense than previously. This results in a process that is closer to 12nm than 10nm, and a q4 2019 launch date in a best case scenario. https://www.overclock3d.net/news/cpu_mainboard/intel_is_reportedly_gutting_10nm_to_make_the_process_usable/1 My thoughts: Intel really seems to be taking a beating lately and if true this is just making it worse. This would put their process essentially on par with other 10nm processes rather than ahead like they've been for so long, and not only that but they'd be releasing it about a year behind. If they wanted AMD to come back from the brink and claw back market share, they're doing perfect.
  2. Well that's what I get for posting without double checking beforehand. It was 95% of profits, not revenue. So profit after operating cost for theaters was deducted.
  3. 65% isn't as ridiculously horrible a percentage as you think for such a high profile movie. Remember Avatar, the movie that beat out titanic in ticket sales? They had 95 - 5 split for theaters and you either took it or didn't get the movie.
  4. Alright, let's go through this step by step since that's a nice big wall of text. This is gonna be a long one so buckle gently. You were the first to compare them. The closest anyone came to saying that was saying that they're both cheating. Ben made this exasperated statement in response to a handwave by you to ignore another post. No one said that they were comparable but you. You're also the only person in this thread to mention adhd medications. OP never actually said the second part, he only said why it was an unfair advantage. Razer isn't the one holding the tournament or even a sponsor, so the fact that it was Razer that made the software and not some random person has no meaning. There's no laws against the blood doping that cyclists used to do, yet that's something that's still banned from the Tour de France and any other major cycling competition and will see you disqualified and barred from any future race. This does put a player at a disadvantage, whether you agree or not. This allows a player to do something inhumanely fast, something that is physically impossible for another player unless they do the same thing. If you were to match up players of equal skill level but allow one to use macros and forbid the other, the one with macros would be more likely to win simply because of the macros, and that is an advantage. The tournament holder's word isn't final because they're the tournament holder and they say so, it's final because the players participating agreed to their terms in order to play, one of them being rules that would result in disqualification if broken. Again, whether you agree or not doesn't matter, this is a contract they signed to participate and they broke it knowing full well what the penalties could be. That is true, if it was a competition of the best macros rather than the best players it would only appeal to an even more niche audience than the current one, but that doesn't mean it's greed. You can be successful and earn money without being greedy, and as far as I know they haven't done anything excessive enough to qualify as greedy. I can't solve your feelings on a subject for you, but not caring about money or anything but fun doesn't legitimize rule breaking in a tournament that the players have agreed to these rules. Again, not a single person has said they're the same but you. The closest anyone has come to saying that any of these things are the same is in saying that they're all cheating. How easily available it is to use or obtain is completely irrelevant, nor is it the same as the dev putting the option in. There are many different programs that don't modify game files or interfere with other players but give the player an advantage, all of which are banned from tournaments regardless of availability. It's certainly the players fault when it's something that is explicitly stated is against the rules. It is entirely their fault, either for ignoring them or not reading them and knowing what they were. If a tournament allowed both 144hz and 60hz monitors and you chose to use a 60hz one, then you're right, but this comparison doesn't fit what happened here and is misleading. A proper comparison would be that a tournament only allowed 60hz monitors and someone was caught using a 144hz monitor and disqualified for it. They *were* cheating here, that isn't something that's up for debate. Please, show us any large tournament that allows them. I believe this is the third time now that you've made this claim without any evidence to support it, meanwhile those on the other side of this argument have provided links to the official sites for multiple that have expressly said they're banned. It's on you to provide evidence on this claim, not on others to disprove something you've claimed without a single scrap of evidence to back it up. When you talk about hundreds of thousands of tournaments, you seem to be talking about even the little unofficial ones high schools or workplaces will have, that's the only way to reach that high of a number. Of course these little ones might not have rules against them, they likely aren't serious tournaments, only something for fun between friends and coworkers. When we talk about tournaments, we're talking about the large formal tournamnets that actually have significant prizes and draw in spectators beyond the families and friends of the participants, trying to equate these smaller, informal tournaments to them is, again, misleading. Almost everything you've said so far has been misleading, a strawman, or blatantly misrepresenting another's words. None of your arguments hold any water under the smallest bit of scrutiny.
  5. You're not even strawmanning anymore, you're just blatantly misrepresenting their arguments...
  6. And you've been explained to in almost a dozen posts why this one is justified and have ignored all explanations to repeat what you'd already said or strawman whoever had replied to you.
  7. Yeah, it's a real shocker and so insane of them to punish players for breaking rules. All those little babies complaining about it should just man up.
  8. Valdyrgramr, are you being this dense on purpose? Because it really seems like it. Every time someone has given you a reason why a specific kind of macro (not all macros) are banned from competitions and should be, you ignore it and then just repeat what they've already countered. This is a little embarrassing to watch tbh.
  9. Let's review really quick why hating on just having a woman because of historical inaccuracies is more than a bit hypocritical. If you want to hate on the whole trailer, that's all good and we have no problems. It kind of deserves it tbh.
  10. This thread is amusing to read. My view on the whole thing is this isn't a big deal in a game that isn't meant to be realistic and never has. To argue that it's a deal breaker seems to be hypocritical with how much else you'd have to ignore.
  11. I know I should have expected it considering the article and that it's a comments section on a site, but the comments section on there is extra cringe-y. Writers of the article defending themselves by responding to some criticisms and ignoring others that they have no defense for.
  12. I can't wait for this to get set up. I'm in one of those lovely parts of the US with isps 'competing' in completely different segments and that ends up with situations like mine. Comcast and CenturyLink are the two choices. CenturyLink covers 5mbps and below and Comcast covers everything above, up to 200mbps. However, Comcast has decided they won't service us, so our only choices are 5mbps from CenturyLink for almost $50 a month.
  13. This is ALSO true of every standard that SUCCEEDED to have mass market adoption. See, I can emphasize something irrelevant as well. I wasn't saying that this will be adopted. I was saying that unused and useless are two different things and of course the standard that was just finalized is unused. And you have to see the humor in using a fallacy in the same paragraph you say I used one.
  14. You should really think about the first sentence of this again. The standard that was finalized only days ago is useless because it isn't yet used in anything? That would be like saying that a specific gpu is useless before it was put in a card. You need the gpu first to make the card and likewise with this.
  15. So does this mean Facebook is responsible for those terrorists that used it to communicate years ago? This seems like it was passed without a single person thinking of the implications. They just saw 'sex trafficking' and voted for the bill because obviously if they didn't they were helping it spread.
  16. Just meant as a joke about about the previous launch. Seeing as how they're announcing this one ahead of time, unless they move it forward again for some reason they'll probably be fine.
  17. Who wants to take bets on how long it'll be after launch before it's atually available?
  18. To put this a bit more in perspective of how crazy this machine that they're using is, it isn't 4 Titan Vs/Tesla V100s. It's 8. It took a computer with over 40k cuda cores to run this in real time.
  19. That was my first thought, if this is something devs have to implement then we're going to be waiting a while before more than a handful of games use it.
  20. This is great. I still probably won't buy it because of other problems I have with the game (you guys tout single player but no conquest mode?) but at least it removes the 'no way in hell will I ever support this' impediment.
  21. This doesn't clear the contradiction. They're headphones priced at much more than your $50 mark (3 times that). The person you replied to wasn't talking about hi-fi headphones either, he talks about how comparably priced wireless headphones have worse quality than wired headphones.
  22. This seems to be at odds with your recommendations of Apple's Airpods.