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Everything posted by GuyNamedBrad

  1. You could possible try get a USB 3.0 addin card? If your mobo supports it. That's my best recommendation.
  2. I would recommend making your VM's and not downloading pre maid ones as people could have added their own software to it or tampered with it, usually best to set it up every time. But seeing as your using kali if your getting the VM from there site then it should be safe.
  3. It also depends in the encryption method (algorithm) some take longer than others usually when I do encrypt a drive I leave it over night.
  4. Personally, I wouldn't use a VM if you looking for performance when using the other secondary os but its just my thoughts. Also dual booting isn't hard, its pretty simple with USB installers and the chances it will overwrite another partition is highly unlikely, since the only time this could happen is if you a) manually overwrite or format the windows partition via a partition editor or b) mount the windows partition and play with the files on it. If you made a system image on windows before adding Linux to the discs/partition to image it will just rewrite the windows partition back not the Linux, so pretty much windows image will only cover windows. Also GRUB is pretty easy to use most distro's will auto install it so you don't have to worry about it to much.
  5. Is bootcamp telling you, its having an error or only supports win8? Because when I did it it told me it only supported win8 but I still went with the win10 iso and it installed perfectly. Let me know if your having this problem still would love to help!
  6. Currently rocking a K95 from corsair with a K65 Mouse and standard corsair mouse pad, yeep a corsair fanboy here lol
  7. Here what I use its pretty detailed: https://www.bresink.com/osx/HardwareMonitor.html
  8. Hey, after looking at your code, not sure why it's not working I maybe missing something, here is a good site to compare to; http://jsfiddle.net/Hjaj4/ also try a higher index like 100 or 1000 to test it.
  9. You need to put it in a <div> and then in the css use to move it to the foreground hope this helps #dropdown { z-index:10; }
  10. Yeah you may try to look at a site called w3schools they are great!Here <select> <option value="volvo">Volvo</option> <option value="saab">Saab</option> <option value="mercedes">Mercedes</option> <option value="audi">Audi</option></select> This would give you 4 drop down options.
  11. Hmm any background info you can give on what your doing before the crash usually happens? Like are you playing a game, install software, browsing the web, etc.
  12. Ok, I'm a little confused, the bootloader should auto install when you install zorin no need to tell it where to go, are you using zorin's installer via usb? but yeah it would be installed to the same partition.
  13. No, you don't touch the bootloader unless your having problems, it will install when your installing Zorin to a partition.
  14. Core is made for regular spec'ed machines and lite is for lower end machines, meaning lite is setup for lower end machines, I would recommend Core unless your machine is low spec'ed. Also when you install Zorin GRUB bootloader will include your ten partition automatically unless you tell it other wise.
  15. Hey do you know what wifi adapter is inside? Like, Killerwireless, broadcom, etc?
  16. Arch is very good once you get past the first setup, though raspbian is the easiest way to start if you don't want to dive in. Would recommend arch though since you can strip it down to just the basics you want, unlike raspbian there is only so far you can strip it down.
  17. Had to do this myself in the past heres the link that helped me, what you need to do is extract to a folder then follow the link, you need 'sudo make install' pretty much make an install file not too hard.
  18. Hey, I haven't had this problem specifically with Mint but actually in Ubuntu but here is a link that I believe should help you since it sounds like exactly this LINK.
  19. Double check your ram make sure there both in the same coloured slot, had this problem on a build once, if you did that, did you plug in all the cables correct like the power to the mobo and cpu power? I know sometimes some people forget or they get over looked.
  20. Hey try "sudo apt-get install p7zip-full" on the terminal to install 7zip and then you should be able to open the zips and extract the files. More info: HERE.
  21. You will be required to prep some installation media via a USB and a copy of El Capitan which is free on the app store. HERE should have all the details. Cheers hope it all works out!
  22. Hey guys so I'm working on animating my java script for a project, and being a newbie at java-script I have only figured out how to make my image move up and down in a set area. How can make my object "dank" also spin 360 infinitly whiles using the following code to move it up and down? Any help is appreciated! window.addEventListener("load", function() { function myMove() { var elem = document.getElementById("dank"); var pos = 100; var id = setInterval(frame, 10); function frame() { pos += 0.3; elem.style.top = pos + "px"; if (Math.abs(pos) >= 250){ pos = 100; } frame(); } }