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About jrfox87

  • Birthday Aug 17, 1987

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    London, Ontario Canada
  • Member title
    Junior Member
  1. I too hate Vessel. I don't see how they can expect anyone to pay when they can't stream HD content reliably. I also don't care about getting content earlier than on YouTube.However, I do wish the Linus Media Group guys weren't doing this Nerd Sports channel exclusively on Vessel, not because I'm unwilling to pay for the content but because I am unwilling to pay for Vessel's crappy service.
  2. If this does end up being true, I doubt it would simply be so they could make it thinner. Apple could shave off a couple millimetres and they'd still have room for the headphone jack. The bigger benefit would be that it would free up room on the inside of the phone for other things, like maybe some extra battery or something. To be honest though, I take any iPhone rumour this far out with a truck load of salt. We are still about half a year or so before manufacturing starts for the next iPhone.
  3. 4K video is really just there for marketing purposes on the D5, even if it was decent at 4K one would still have to be a fool to buy it just for that. Both the D5 and D500 are primarily directed at sports and wildlife photographers.
  4. Gotta love how it can only shoot 4K video for 3 minutes at a time...
  5. This seems great for WD in terms of SSDs, I just hope they don't screw up SanDisks memory cards!
  6. I am confident Android manufacturers will add something like it in upcoming devices. It will not take off as quickly on Android though for obvious reasons.
  7. If you want to do and video at all with it then the 70D is by far the better option. If all you want to do is take pictures then I'd go with the D7000 primarily due to the price, you could take your savings and put it towards a good lens as good glass is very important.
  8. Here is the same camera with the kit lens on amazon, and actually sold by amazon. It's the exact same price as the one you linked but all the stuff in that bundle is garbage anyway. The one I linked here also has bundles you can select for the same price or a little more that comes with better stuff. It's a good camera for the price and the lens will be good for the price as well.
  9. This is great news and a big step in the right direction. I do see this possibly becoming confusing to the non tech savvy user though.
  10. Given how great Blackberry was with Enterprise security for their phones, this would actually make far more sense for Microsoft than when they bought Nokia.
  11. Well of course, built in mics on computers always sound like ass
  12. I was pleasantly surprised by this review. Not only was this the least biased Apple review you guys have done so far, but also one of the least biased review you guys have done outside of desktop parts, so kudos. Oh and Linus, the mic on the back of the iMac is just the secondary mic for noise cancellation and such, there is another mic on the thing.
  13. If you can afford a Leica, why the hell would you use Photos and not Lightroom?
  14. I really can't wait to play this. Shame I will have to wait until mid August though as I'll be working at a resort out in Banff National Park for a couple months starting next week.