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Everything posted by KushKomputers

  1. @CPotter can we get a WAN show poster? I would buy the sh*t out of one. Also what is the thing in the middle of the LTT poster supposed to be?
  2. Ya the 5820k would be nice but the cpu alone would be $100 more than the 4790k and then the motherboard itself would be at least $75 more than the one i would get now. Would it just be best to wait until like spring time when i have enough money to afford that?
  3. So I have had my fx 8350 black for almost 3 years now. There are some pretty tempting deals on both the i7 and i5 skews this black friday/cybermonday. I primarily do photoediting on my computer with occational gaming. I know going with the i7 will privide a great improvement when it comes to videoediting but i was wonderingwhat the effects were on the photoediting side. Is it reall worth the extra $80 usd to get the i7 or is it better to save the 80 for a future graphics card upgrade?
  4. A friend asked me to help him build a computer for him. He has a budget of 600 total. He already spent 100 on a monitor and 92 on windows. This gives an effective $400 budget. He wants to play tf2, minecraft, and COD. I came cross this bundle deal on newegg. What do you guys think? http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboBundleDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.1722499
  5. Favorite part of the phone is the fact it is waterproof for the shower plus the front facing speakers. My favorite part about dbrand is their white carbonfiber wraps for phones, soooo sexy. Almost as sexy as Luke
  6. e 17 and the s7 models. I want to see the comparison between the two different price point options and how different they really are if possible. Being someone who is going off to university in a year, it would be nice to know what will that extra money spent really get me and will it be worth it.
  7. Those thin bezels are amazing, by far the best part!
  8. Thank you guys so much, I can always find help here!
  9. So i am working on a project for my begenner c++ class and i can figure out what is going on. I have a basic game going where a character moves around the screen and the collects health and hit points. I can run through and select the game and then run through it but once I loop back around again to play again the coordinates for the game are not resetting so the game ends right away once the game starts again. to play the game use the arrow keys and - will take away 10, * will add 10, and the only way as of right now to loose it to get score to 0. here is the code #include <iostream>#include "windows.h"#include <string> using namespace std; char map [21] [37] ={ "#==================================#", "|^ |", "| * |", "| |", "| |", "| * - |", "| |", "| - * |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| - |", "| |", "| |", "| $ |", "| |", "#==================================#" };char map2 [21] [37] ={ "#==================================#", "|^ |", "| * |", "| |", "| |", "| * - |", "| |", "| - * |", "| |", "| |", "| ? |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| - |", "| |", "| |", "| $ |", "| |", "#==================================#" }; bool gameRunning = true;bool levelRunning = true;//placementint x = 1;int y = 1; int level; //scoreint a = 10;string game; int main(){ while(gameRunning == true) { system("cls"); levelRunning = true; int x = 1; int y = 1; cout << "Welcome to my game!\n"; cout << "Please select a level.\n\n"; cout << "1. Level 1\n" << "2. Level 2\n"; system("pause>null"); cin >> level; if(level == 1) { while(levelRunning == true) { system("cls"); for(int display = 0; display < 21; display++) { cout << map[display] << endl; } cout << "Score ="; cout << a <<endl; system("pause>null"); //Getting User Input for Movement if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN)) { //Updating coordinates int y2 = y + 1; //What happens when moved switch (map[y2][x]) { //Normal Movement case ' ': map [y] [x] = ' '; y++; map [y] [x] ='^'; break; //Adding Points case '*': map [y] [x] = ' '; y++; map [y] [x] ='^'; a=a+10; break; //Subtracting Points case '-': map [y] [x] = ' '; y++; map [y] [x] ='^'; a=a-10; break; } } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP)) { int y2 = y - 1; switch (map[y2][x]) { //Normal Movement case ' ': map [y] [x] = ' '; y--; map [y] [x] ='^'; break; //Adding Points case '*': map [y] [x] = ' '; y--; map [y] [x] ='^'; a=a+10; break; //Subtracting Points case '-': map [y] [x] = ' '; y--; map [y] [x] ='^'; a=a-10; break; } } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT)) { int x2 = x + 1; switch (map [y][x2]) { //Normal Movement case ' ': map [y] [x] = ' '; x++; map [y] [x] ='^'; break; //Adding Points case '*': map [y] [x] = ' '; x++; map [y] [x] ='^'; a=a+10; break; //Subtracting Points case '-': map [y] [x] = ' '; x++; map [y] [x] ='^'; a=a-10; break; } } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT)) { int x2 = x - 1; switch (map [y][x2]) { //Normal Movement case ' ': map [y] [x] = ' '; x--; map [y] [x] ='^'; break; //Adding Points case '*': map [y] [x] = ' '; x--; map [y] [x] ='^'; a=a+10; break; //Subtracting Points case '-': map [y] [x] = ' '; x--; map [y] [x] ='^'; a=a-10; break; } } if(a <=0) { system("cls"); cout << "#==================================#\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| GAME OVER |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "#==================================#\n"; cout << "\n"; cout << "Score = "; cout << a <<endl; levelRunning = false; system("pause"); } } } if(level == 2) { while(levelRunning == true) { system("cls"); for(int display = 0; display < 21; display++) { cout << map2[display] << endl; } cout << "Score ="; cout << a <<endl; system("pause>null"); //Getting User Input for Movement if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN)) { //Updating coordinates int y2 = y + 1; //What happens when moved switch (map[y2][x]) { //Normal Movement case ' ': map [y] [x] = ' '; y++; map [y] [x] ='^'; break; //Adding Points case '*': map [y] [x] = ' '; y++; map [y] [x] ='^'; a=a+10; break; //Subtracting Points case '-': map [y] [x] = ' '; y++; map [y] [x] ='^'; a=a-10; break; } } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP)) { int y2 = y - 1; switch (map[y2][x]) { //Normal Movement case ' ': map [y] [x] = ' '; y--; map [y] [x] ='^'; break; //Adding Points case '*': map [y] [x] = ' '; y--; map [y] [x] ='^'; a=a+10; break; //Subtracting Points case '-': map [y] [x] = ' '; y--; map [y] [x] ='^'; a=a-10; break; } } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT)) { int x2 = x + 1; switch (map [y][x2]) { //Normal Movement case ' ': map [y] [x] = ' '; x++; map [y] [x] ='^'; break; //Adding Points case '*': map [y] [x] = ' '; x++; map [y] [x] ='^'; a=a+10; break; //Subtracting Points case '-': map [y] [x] = ' '; x++; map [y] [x] ='^'; a=a-10; break; } } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT)) { int x2 = x - 1; switch (map [y][x2]) { //Normal Movement case ' ': map [y] [x] = ' '; x--; map [y] [x] ='^'; break; //Adding Points case '*': map [y] [x] = ' '; x--; map [y] [x] ='^'; a=a+10; break; //Subtracting Points case '-': map [y] [x] = ' '; x--; map [y] [x] ='^'; a=a-10; break; } } if(a <=0) { system("cls"); cout << "#==================================#\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| GAME OVER |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "| |\n"; cout << "#==================================#\n"; cout << "\n"; cout << "Score = "; cout << a <<endl; levelRunning = false; system("pause"); } } } system("pause>null"); } return 0;}
  10. Guys, you all remember Jerry from the WAN show yesterday, right? Well if we get Chris Pirillos and his livestream to 1000 likes, he will do the truffle shuffle. LIKE THE VIDEO!!!!!!!
  11. This works! thanks. I was wondering as to what the NULL inside "srand(time(NULL));" is doing for the program.
  12. I tried this but the "random number" was the same every time I ran it
  13. Hey guys, I just began taking a class for programming at my school based around c++ using codebocks. One of my assignments was to create a random number guessing game. I made the program and it works but i wanted to give the user a option to play the game again. I was thinking about putting the whole thing in another do while loop bit i don't know how to do it without the program asking the user if they wanted to play again the first time they played. this is what i have so far #include <iostream>#include <cstdlib>#include <ctime>#include <string> using namespace std; int main(){ srand(time(0)); int yourGuess; int randomNumber = (rand() % 20)+1; cout << "Let's play a game. I will come up with a number and you will have to guess it.\n"; do { cout <<"Guess a number: "; cin >> yourGuess; if(yourGuess == randomNumber) { cout << "Winner Winner!!! You got my number!" << endl; } if(yourGuess > randomNumber) { cout << "Nope! You were too high." << endl; } if(yourGuess < randomNumber) { cout << "Nope! You were too low." << endl; } } while(yourGuess != randomNumber); return 0;}
  14. Is anyone else having 502 server connection issues with YouTube?
  15. I'm really digging the split cases that have been coming out sense the air 540.
  16. Do you have any recommendations? I plan on getting them into a video editing software then cutting them and sorting them.
  17. Ok so I wasn't sure where to post this so i guess this should be suffice. So i have a ton of home videos on tape that i want to get onto my computer. I was wondering if i could just get a external capture card to get them all onto a hard drive. The old camera has a av out to component cable. Do you recommend this or do you have a better way? Also if you do recommend a capture card, what one do you recommend?
  18. Question for the man How did you get into the industry and what is your favorite part about it?
  19. On so I have been fortunate enough to be getting some extra cash flow going and have some spending money. I want to do a monitor upgrade seeing that I have a crappy TN panel and i do photo work so it have to make sure i am right dead in the middle to do my editing. I was wondering what would be better, dual dell 1080p monitors( http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005LN1JEC/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=3C8XSXZPSSL57&coliid=I23C9NHAVXYP1X ) or one cheep Korean1440p monitor ( http://www.amazon.com/QNIX-QX2710-Evolution-2560x1440-Perfect/dp/B00CAKD6LI/ref=pd_cp_pc_3 ). all other recommendations are welcome!
  20. Why is your timing so bad for the people in Canada and the US?! It's 11-2 depending on your time zone. Either work or school is the issue. I'm still in class until 210 and don't get home till 2:40. Well maybe next time
  21. Nice, now only if I could afford that.. Oh and btw I saw u were wearing the toq, can we expect a review soon or are you still in the process?
  22. I was able to find the switch bios jumper on my mobo and reset the bios by turning on the computer on with a manual jump of the power and then a manual bios reset.i dont know how but it is back up and running like nothing happened. I guess I got lucky.