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Everything posted by atomicmonkey101

  1. I have had a similar problem. cant figure it out. I was running at 1920x1080 but when I run at that res on win 10 almost all of the UI is off the screen. guess I'm stuck at my 1680x1050 for now.
  2. scrolling through the comments and reading all the piracy people kicking up a fuss. hilarious. Windows 10 here I come.
  3. The only mods I would pay for would be mods that have been quality controlled by bethesda/valve and are worth the money. Sorry I am not paying $5 for a suit of armor. So basically quest mods only. And the split would have to be correct as well. Mod maker getting at least 50%.
  4. well.... considering its 21:9 i would say 5040x2160. Its like 4k with extra horizontal pixels I guess.
  5. honestly so sick of speculation and rumours and ambiguous teasers. I wish they would just reveal/ give a good taste of whats coming instead of just trying to build a massive hype train. so annoying. Battlefront is such a prime example of this.
  6. the cost of your phone just went up by about $500. Yeah sounds good to me.
  7. when your 55" tv weighs less than your 15" notebook, there is something wrong.... wow, I cant wait for OLED notebooks.
  8. *needs a court order* *shuts up shop*. yeah I wonder why. stop crying.
  9. So..... Can I have 16gb of HBM for my DIMM slots? pls.
  10. the t series are professional business grade laptops. higher build quality and better battery performance i believe. lenovo's business laptops are worth the money though, I just typed this on one from 2008. Still performs well and is in really good condition. The only thing that needs replacing is the battery.
  11. if they just added a metal removable back instead of plastic it would make all the difference. I dont mind plastic but metal feels so much better.
  12. really light gaming though. nothing really more graphically intensive than torchlight or fallout maybe. I dont want to be lugging around a thicker machine all day.
  13. 1200 bucks http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=&sku=1116059&gclid=CjwKEAjwm-aqBRD39YPqhbzthzYSJACFj-AtroQR6qv_EYTvq-9OcBzPOgSzR-bbfKWbrKhXqrJrARoC367w_wcB&is=REG&Q=&A=details 1400 bucks And yes, the XPS 13 is just as expensive. I didn't realize you required such specifications, seeing as you didn't list a budget or purpose ah, yes. I should have. Im going for light gaming (old games and newer ones like torchlight 20) and photo/ video editing. Wait, but, you linked the s7 and x360. I already knew how much those cost. I was wondering where you could get XPS 13 for cheaper. if it is indeed better?
  14. where are these magical prices to be found? I would prefer an i7 and 256gb ssd, I dont think those prices reflect those specs.
  15. really? i thought they were supposed to be top tier. i guess the xps 13 isnt that much more expensive.
  16. Hi everyone, The title is pretty self explanatory. I was wondering if anyone has experience with these machines and if so, what do you think? I know linus loves the S7 although he hasnt reviewed the newest model with 5th gen intel cpus, but, I dont know much about the spectre other than it looks really good. thanks.
  17. its funny how so many people are saying games such as BF4 should be rated T. The player is killing people, not suitable IMO for pre-teens or even some immature teens to be playing. Subject matter is huge, I know its a video game but to younger players who might not understand the seriousness of some of these things, not so good. Its rated mature because the subject matter is for mature persons, not immature ones.
  18. if I had the cash and a phone was on the top of my list, this would probably be the phone. wish it had a metal body, but you can't have everything.
  19. I dont agree with the Battlefield 4 re-skin idea simply because we have seen no gameplay and I also dont think they would do that. Until we see gameplay the only conclusion we can justifiably make is that we are getting a new star wars game that is supposedly a Battlefront sequel thing. The car analogy is really good and I totally agree. I am bummed out that they are not including a campaign, galactic conquest, instant action, ect. I am really going to miss playing those modes with my bro and my friends.However, as scaled down as the game will be, I still believe they are making a battlefront title and are trying to do a good job of it. Maybe that is not critical enough considering BF2, but I have waited a long time for a game like this and I am not going to let the nay sayers kill the game before we even have gmaeplay. I realize everything they have discussed and shown so far has been somewhat a disappointment and seemingly lacking in total content, there is always DLC. Whether it is free or paid or it is a game update that delivers features to everyone, they are obviously planning on expanding the game. So we shall have to see i guess.
  20. I totally agree. their marketing so far has been complete trash. If you are offering pre-orders you need to give gameplay and serious incentive to do so. EA does not exactly have the best reputation and I dont really blame you for that opinion, but, I do think we need to give the game a chance.
  21. One could argue that those are not, technically, reasons to not buy the game. (unless you have some kind of insatiable desire to play space battles in the new game and if they arent included you will explode) Thats a chart cross examining feature sets in the game. While yes, the new Battlefront does not include a lot of the great things that made Battlefront 2 such a great game, that does not mean that Battlefront will be bad. Nobody except the devs have played the game and the public has not even seen gameplay. We have ZERO idea of what the game will be like. Maybe it will blow everyone's socks off and receive 10/10 reviews despite not having those things. (although I doubt it) My point is that I think everybody needs to slow the heck down and stop screaming about how there are no space battles, campaign, instant action, ect. I think it is really unfortunate that those things aren't included in the game, but, until we have played the game when its released, then we will have 'reasons' not to buy the game. It is possible for the game to be good without them. Look at Republic Commando (I know it is a diff style of game) not really any of those features, (space battles, vehicle combat, etc) but it was still one of the best games of all time. IMHO . I don't have anything against you or the chart, it is really interesting to see the differences. However, Im pretty sure that they have said that they are taking a different approach to the game from BF2 and maybe thats a good thing. Anyways, maybe some of the features lacking from battlefront 2 will be added via DLC (free hopefully). Whatever..... this is just my thoughts on the whole situation right now.