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Jey R.

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  1. You win, I got nothing. After recent research it's all about same speed. So the transfer speed as introduced are "gimmicks" by the looks of it.
  2. Yas, "real" oc enthusiasts disable boost and leaves raw max power to also reduce instability
  3. Titan x are not for average consumers. It's a card more for top end business and extravagant industries.
  4. But games like battlefield benefits from faster clocked rams. And ddr4 features and functions density speeds will be of used in the long run.
  5. Are they correctly in their pcie slots recommended for sli?
  6. Haha, I noticed almost every other person has same thought. Also beats are now apples, so no surprise
  7. i7 4790k- $250-260. I think it's a nice price
  8. Not sure if has been mentioned but apple product, Alienware, beats headphone...
  9. And? Steam doesn't represent then full pc marketshares
  10. Ya, actually there are cable that doesn't support sata 3 transfer speed.
  11. Well everyone think that getting more ram makes computer generally faster and that's the solution of slowness.
  12. Well not really... It's almost as if this is a troll