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About this blog

Welcome, my friends, to the greatest collection of words ever written. Yes, I know that this kind of thing is subjective, and that I often forget about unimportant things like forming a proper sentence. Many experts on the English language will probably say my posts are the worst thing they've ever read, even compared to an owner's manual for a Chinese washing machine, but they are wrong. Those other written works were made by people not brave enough to say Canadian Internet service providers are bad. This one was.

Entries in this blog

I can't believe how bad the Windows 10 Photos app is

Remember in 2017 when Microsoft unveiled their latest in innovative buzzwords, “Creators?” I sure wish I didn’t. 5 years after its release, the Creators Update is still the worst update to Windows 10 for a plethora of reasons, chief among them being Microsoft’s promises to replace a significant amount of the best software they’ve ever made with even better stuff. Being Microsoft, they naturally failed to deliver on any of those promises.   After using all of the programs introduced in


AudiTTFan in Rants

I've had it with YouTube Shorts

I don't use YouTube on my iPhone very often, and when I do, I'm almost always terrified by what awful new features they've added that'll inevitably be even more detrimental to the user experience when they end up on the desktop site. YouTube Shorts was and still is a perfect example. Now, before we get into the meat of this rant burger, (wow, I refuse to believe I'm even capable of writing such an awful sentence.) I want to go over precisely why vertical video is an awful thing that real


AudiTTFan in Rants

Thoughts on the iPhone 14

As the proud user of a tried-and-tired iPhone XS with an ailing battery and more scuffs than a drunk driver’s car, it should be fairly obvious that I’m not the kind of person who excitedly buys the latest iPhone when it comes out. Still, I often argue with the keyboard comedians out there who always make the same jokes about how a new iPhone is the same as the last one.   I’ve always disagreed with these people for several reasons over the years: The camera usually gets a s


AudiTTFan in Rants

iCloud is Horrible

Unfortunately my cell service provider is Rogers, which means my choices for phones are pretty much limited to Samsungs with useless and annoying bloatware, or iPhones that receive pictures in resolutions that haven’t been acceptable since the very first LCD monitors came out.   Seeing as half of my friends are the kind of iPhone users who unironically talk about being fearful of The Green Bubble™ and I had an iPod Touch growing up, my first phone back in 2017 ended up being an iPhone


AudiTTFan in Rants
