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  1. Well asynchronous shaders is one of the big ones. It allows 290x to perform on level agianst 980 Ti in DX12. http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2015/08/directx-12-tested-an-early-win-for-amd-and-disappointment-for-nvidia/
  2. This all came about due to Oxide's upcoming DX12 RTS, Ashes of the Singularity. When they released the benchmark, various places found that AMD GPUs had a massive performance gains (partly DX11 driver overhead, partly because GCN's ACEs are doing nothing on DX11), but NV GPUs actually do worse in DX12. As noted here. NV fired some pretty fine words at Oxide, dissing their game as not representative of DX12 games, and claiming they had a MSAA bug. Oxide fires back saying the bug is actually in NV's drivers and offered to help them fix it. They made a nice blog about DX11 vs DX12 where they clarified it and that they were not out to gimp any hardware, but they play fair by the DX12 book. This escalated on the tech forums, getting heated accusations thrown around, and so Oxide came into the discussion with this bombshell: Followed up with this: And finally this, they basically challenge NV to prove them wrong. It looks like Oxide is angry at NV since NV tried to make them look like fools despite the problem being with their hardware, so Oxide took it personally and go public. And now, AMD chimes in! u/AMD_Robert (Robert Hallock): Looks like this is escalating, time to prepare the popcorn and see Nvidia's response! As to why Async Compute/Shaders are so important in DX12 & future cross-platform games: Compute is used for global illumination, dynamic lighting, shadows, physics, post-processing (including even AA). If it can be offloaded from the main rendering pipeline and done asynchronously in parallel, it can lead to major performance gains. As such, GPUs that support it will see major performance uplift and in theory, GPUs that do not support it, will have no benefit, it reverts back to the normal serial rendering of graphics & compute. Async Shaders are vital for a good VR experience, as it helps lower latency of head movement to visual/photon output. I posted on this topic awhile ago:
  3. Well said. Plus it's not like this is a startup that has no money. But even then it should be at least be 50/50 split or something, not the artist covering the trial entirely. It's a partnership and If Apple want to offer a three month free trial then it is they who should take the risk and assume the costs. The only reason the artists have to go along with this is because Apple are a juggernaut and iTunes is a massive platform for artists. Swift is one of the few artists who can afford to take them on.
  4. Are you for real? Why is it that Taylor Swift and other artists are the ones who have to take a loss and essentially foot the bill for Apple's Music serivice? Say what you will but she does have a good point. No one here would offer up their life's work for three months and no charge.
  5. Sony's solution to backwards compatability will be Playstation Now. Money which Sony does not see a penny off since old software is only avaiable in 2nd hand.
  6. Over the last 12 months the PS4 and Xbone made up 52% of sales, while the PC hovers at 12%. That's the numer Ubisoft will be looking at.
  7. PS3 was running on less than 512mb ram, so 8gb is more than enough.
  8. Witcher 3 needs a day one patch; so having that game does not help. It's unplayable.
  9. LOL! No, humans are people. Corporations are artificial constructs, created under arbitrary law, and designed to limit the liability of their owners. Corporations exsist on paper.
  10. LOL at the American's in this thread upset with the EU for enforcing the law. Maybe if America did the same then private corporations would not be considered "people", run roughshot on the populace, and you would not be just now getting net neutrality. Google allegedly broke the law; and they're now facing the consequence.
  11. Why? 98.7% of Mass Effect 3 was awesome. It is only those last 15 minutes that was terrible. Skyrim and Mass Effect series aren't comparable. Mass Effect is story driven fps-rpg; whereas Skyrim has the bare-minimum in story and is all about random quests.