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    Just another guy with an opinion, I just hope my opinions don't trigger my or others insecurities.

    What I'm trying to say is... I wish this world could be mended :)

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  1. Hi everyone, Vote Turnip/Firepole regardless of so called "At work injury" anyway! I'v been trying to think of ideas to whip up a cheap jury rigged Camera while staying in budget. I have to stay within a budget range of 125$ but I'v already spent 25 on the Raspberry Pi board, so now I'm trying to think of items that have a good camera with a shutter lens that I could buy for 100$. Examples I thought of already where Webcams or a broken Iphone 5, but I think the Iphone 5's camera doesn't have a shutter and nor do webcams, and there's no way I could access the source code for the Iphone's camera. I'm trying to find a cheap shutter lens that I can rip out of a device to create a camera from a Raspberry pi camera kit If you have any ideas please let me know and thank you! Requirements: Within 100$ range : Can be stripped from another device for parts : Open source : Shutter Lens
  2. I keep getting this Idea with my leftover coolers, but it never fixes the main issue for my 970 which is the VRM. I can overclock quite a bit and stay steady for 30 mins but sooner or later with no cooler the VRM it gets too hot to keep the overclock stable, so If i did put a cpu block i still don't know how to make the core clock stable
  3. Just a heads up cause I know people love this thing, There are 3 open box H240's with the customizeable color and 240 rad with reservoir Current price:$125.64 OMRSP :$189.99 EDIT: (I actually forgot the link......HERP) http://www.ncix.com/detail/swiftech-h240-x-all-in-one-liquid-cooling-6d-102715.htm#openbox
  4. Yup, just a bunch of bot shills and empty/broken grammar, its a no no for me then!~
  5. Wow...that's....that's REALLY weird
  6. Just wondering if this store is legit, or if anyone has ever used it before. They have a cheap Blue yeti Pro mic I want to buy but it looks....well check it out. https://www.mikescomputershop.com/
  7. Well it could be most of their money is going into R& D, that'd be a refreshing change for once. Given that most companies pour a good 50k-100k into marketing for their new products, it could be that Cooler Master's strategy doesn't involve a strong marketing presence, but it can develop consumer trust and hopefully innovation.
  8. Uh boy, did you guys see that Macbook? Not a single USB port, (just that wonky C type) I wonder how many mad buyers there will be when they cant even use a flash drive to transfer their documents. Makes me puzzled and why students would ever buy a Macbook for any reason now, literally its the equivalent of buying a large tablet now. Except tablets have micro usb... EDIT: and now that I'v researched it, i realize I'm the fool! (HAHA Tortured you FOOL!) Still, 1 port?............1 port?
  9. Who cares? I waited...what 11 years now? I lost, what.. 2 friends who loved that game as much as me, but they died before it ever came out. Steam(AKA Valve) has become more of a corporation like Wall street, so why even expect a decent product anymore? Just let it go and forget, no point in wasting time on that cash cow.
  10. I always wanted to make a computer that literally ran off the electricity produced from Hamsters on wheels DON'T LAUGH! Its my DREAM!
  11. I love disassembling and reassembling computers, cause it gives you a chance to redo the thermal compounds and give a good dust blast to individual parts. SO whenever I transport my PC ( and I'v done so at least 19 times in 3 months) is disassemble the computer piece by piece and reseal all of the items in safe wrapping like foam you can buy at the UPS store. then put it all in a suit case if need be, and have a stick of thermal compound and 99% iso to clean and reapply the CPU sink
  12. Where can I sell my Valve steam account for decent cash. Looks like its going to the way of the do-do-bird
  13. it might be disappointing on how taxing it is on your system, at least that's what I'm expecting to happen to me. But in my experience Witcher 1 and 2 where great and always brilliantly written, can't go wrong when their finishing a trilogy . . .right? MARTY MARTY!
  14. Sorry, I get bothered with 60FPS, and I need at least 120FPS minimum. Is this weird? Does anyone else feel this way?
  15. Fallout (when it get killed a lot I rage quit to next game) Fallout 2 (then I rage into) Gw2 (for daily login pat on the back "reward" (then I leave cause its boring)) Csgo ( I go to the title screen look at my DMG medal, cry, and wish MM was fixed, then quit ) Romero's Aftermath (its a beta, fun survival/craft, pvp, gets a lot of updates but can be boring alone .....so alone.....*shiver*)