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What can u do with a edge router?

Could someone give me a small run down of what i can do with a edge router,

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You can do everything that's in the user manual, more if you know what you're doing and what you need to do but if you need to ask you probably don't fall into that category.

You can set custom dhcp services, firewalls, QoS filters and much more. Is there something in partcular you need it to do that you're not sure about?

Don't ask to ask, just ask... please聽馃え

sudo chmod -R 000 /*

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Well it's a router... so it supports routing.

Other than that it's all the usual stuff. It got some firewall features, it can do NAT and all the usual stuff.

Is this related to the SMB you're buying equipment for? I strongly recommend you keep all your questions that are related to each other in the same thread. If you had asked this as a response to the person who recommended the Edge router then they could have answered the question for you. They recommended it and changes are they did it for a reason. But since you made a new thread rather than responding to that post that person might not see this post.

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Scratch your head in frustration..

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