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Cooler comparison


Currently in the PC I have (a prebuilt), there is a 4770k (@stock) being cooled with a Cooler Master A98 cooler:



I believe that the builder just used the cheapest cooler possible in the system, without regarding temperatures or the fact that it's an overclocking enabled CPU.


I did see on Newegg (and amazon) that the Cooler Master T2 is on sale for just $10. 



Comparing the A98 to the T2, is there enough of a difference in cooling performance to grab the T2? I understand that it won't have the best cooling performance, but take price into consideration.


Also, is there a large gap in cooling performance between the T2 and the Hyper 212 EVO (which seems like a go-to air cooler everywhere...)?



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If you plan to overclock your cpu(I assume, as you bought a K series chip), then definitely grab the 212 EVO. The T2 may not going to be enough for OC. Even though both have 4 heat pipes, the larger fan and dissipating area of the 212 could help a lot. The A98 is a joke. For office use and web browsing it's fine. Test for load temps with the A98 to see how high temps get.

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I didn't buy this system, it was given to me.. The temps with the A98 go to around 80c's running cinebench, and it doesn't run at max turbo for very long at all before it settles at 3.5ghz. I stopped it before it rose any further :')


The only reason why I'm considering the T2 is that it's ridiculously cheap, and because I don't plan to push the overclock very far. 

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If I were you the 212 is a better quality cooler. If i were you I would get the 212 and you could easily get your 4770k to a modest 4.2ghz ezpz without knowing hardly anything about overclocking. In my opinion just because it's on sale doesn't mean you should get it, especially when it cools one of the most important and expensive parts on your computer. IMO always get the best of what you can afford. So while I would get the 212, if all you can afford is the t2 ( but who doesn't have ~$30 anyway) then get the t2

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Personally I would skip T2 and check the alternatives. 212 is also something I would skip considering there are better coolers in same price range.


There's M9i which is really close to 212 in performance and noise levels, for $10 less https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA4UF39E2338&cm_re=m9i-_-13C-000U-00009-_-Product

There's H7 which is considered biggest rival for 212 for same price. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA4UF2DZ6565&cm_re=h7-_-13C-000U-00005-_-Product

There's Gammaxx 400, also making name for budget cooler selection https://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&Description=deepcool+gammaxx+400&ignorear=0&N=-1&isNodeId=1

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