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Inconsistent Frametime on VEGA64 Liquid

EVERY SINGLE games I have a massive Frametime issue. My Frametime is very inconsistent causing massive lag / stutters ! Framerate is good, CPU ain't pegged at 100% but it is running at full speed 3.5 Ghz on all Cores no OC It will turbo boost sometimes but not always of course. 
Every single game is the same, I've tried many solutions so far no fix. I don't know what's the cause. My Framerate most the time are good over 100 - 180 FPS in Doom @ 1440p. But Frametime was horrible, ranging from 30 - 90ms randomly. Sometimes I will just have few second of massive FPS dips....of course it be laggy then. GPU isn't even overheating...GPU Usage seems to be still on 90% - 100% ++ 
My RAM is at STOCK as well. 
I'm using Windows 10 64-BIT, I didn't " Daisy Chain " the PSU cable for the GPU either. I had it split by having 2X PCIE cable from PSU to my GPU both individually independently just in case there isn't enough power.


These are the solutions I've tried...but no fix

1) Disabled Free Sync 
2) Re-roll from 17.8.2 Driver to 17.81 ( But it fixed the video / flash video issue lagging / mouse stutter issue ) 
3) Change monitor Refresh Rate to 60hz 
4) Disabled Windows Defender, Malware Bytes etc. 
5) Disabled / Uninstall all monitoring programs. 
6) Tried flipping the BIOS switch on GPU to the other BIOS. 
7) Tried playing Fullscreen / Windowed 
8) Tried using V-SYNC


So far nothing is working...I wonder is this a hardware issue / software....
I worry it maybe my CPU or Mobo or whatever, even RAM maybe ?? 
I do have my old Fury from my previous PC, maybe I have to test it on this new PC....

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Did you DDU back to 17.8.1 or just install the older driver on top of the new one?


Also, OC that CPU and RAM, whatever it is. If it's Ryzen than yes, an OC on RAM MASSIVELY helps with frame times, as does the CPU OC (but not as much).

Ye ole' train

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21 hours ago, alphaproject said:

An unsatisfied Vega user.... Sell it for a profit and buy the 1080 Ti.

Firstly can you guarantee it's a VEGA issue ? Doesn't seem so to me. Since I tested with my old Fury it's the same thing. 
Secondly a 1080 Ti be more expensive than a VEGA 64 Liquid here how do I even profit....not everyone lives in the US / UK and follows the same pricing in your area. 
Now I did a fresh Install of Windows 10 to see if it fixes it...
Lastly if you nothing useful to say or any information to help in any sort of way, just be quiet. No one will think you're a Mute if you don't speak. Or dumb if you don't type in this case. 

23 hours ago, lots of unexplainable lag said:

Did you DDU back to 17.8.1 or just install the older driver on top of the new one?


Also, OC that CPU and RAM, whatever it is. If it's Ryzen than yes, an OC on RAM MASSIVELY helps with frame times, as does the CPU OC (but not as much).

Yes I did used DDU before I re-roll / update my GPU Drivers, always. 
I'm using 17000X yes. I didn't OC my CPU and RAM to make sure everything it's stable, since now I'm facing a weird issue. 
Ok I did more testings

1) Swap my VEGA back for my old Fury, no changes. 
2) Tried changing PCI-E lanes, nothing. 
3) Weird thing I recently found out is, all sudden it seems to be running ok. I tried playing on Doom, CS : GO, Borderlands, Sniper Elite, Project Cars there wasn't any huge Frametime issue. Framerate was good too....BUT ! On Titanfall 2, both my Fury and VEGA 64 still run into issues, for some weird reason it will randomly run into a huge FPS dip...and my CPU are pegged at 99% on almost all Cores.....not just that, I'm still suffering from Frametime issues in Titanfall 2, but Framerate was good...REALLY WEIRD ! 
I wonder if it's only in this game. Since the others seems to run well SO FAR ! ( For now or least ) 

Just did a full clean install of Windows 10, now gonna test Titanfall 2 again. Tried Doom and it WAS OK, (HOPEFULLY it stays that way) 

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Well I had an AMD card way back in the day for call of duty and every custom map did some strange behavior...eventually that card died...I replaced with an Nvidia card and the issues went away. Someone else on here had bought the recent 460 claiming strange frame times and stuttering even though the fps looked ok, but it wasn't solid. I'm thinking strange mobo/GPU issues but I can't be sure...too many variables. If you had access to a Nvidia card you could at least run a test.

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6 hours ago, alphaproject said:

Well I had an AMD card way back in the day for call of duty and every custom map did some strange behavior...eventually that card died...I replaced with an Nvidia card and the issues went away. Someone else on here had bought the recent 460 claiming strange frame times and stuttering even though the fps looked ok, but it wasn't solid. I'm thinking strange mobo/GPU issues but I can't be sure...too many variables. If you had access to a Nvidia card you could at least run a test.

Sadly no, all my friends are on Team AMD. Before you start calling us fanboys it's because AMD had always been cheaper and better value in my country, for retailers / distributors will mark up the price for NVIDIA since it's a more popular card and well of course being faster most the time. 
People with little knowledge of PC normally will go for NVIDIA as how the retailers here promote the sale of both Intel and NVIDIA more even it's clear now RyZen is much better value CPU than SOME Intel choices currently offer. 

Back to the topic I forgot to mention my old PC running with Fury and i5 3550 had no issues but it's on Windows 7. 
Strangely while using my old Fury on this new system seems to have problems. But as mentioned above it seems like for now Titanfall 2 really hates my new system no matter which card I'm running. 

The rest seems fine. However found a weird problem in Doom,  randomly at times if when I launch the game I may run into inconsistent and high Frametime. 
But after I Alt Tab few times, it seems to just disappear...never had this problem with my old PC.

For now I think it's still bit too early to determine what are the possible cause. Since I've only actually started to play games on Friday night...while Saturday just trying to diagnose or rather find out what's the problem. I think I will have to play lot more other games and seems how it turn out. 

Like Sniper Elite 4, it ran completely issue free even on my Fury. Framerate was amazingly high even on 1440p ( DX12 of course ) Frametime was SMOOOOOOTHHHH !!!
Constant 9ms or so smoothest I ever get on any games so far on this new system. 

To sum it all up, this is why this is the WEIRDEST issue I've ever come across, it's like my new system is nitpicking what games it wants to run...

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I don't want to say it's Win 10... but it could be. My same friend that played COD back in the day tried playing a newer COD that had come out after he upgraded his PC and low and behold it ran terrible on Win 7. I played that version on Win XP. It would stutter like mad he said... one minute it would play fine... then boom a freeze...but completely unplayable in a MP setting when we were used to smooth gameplay. Funny thing is... I had tried it on Win 7 and it ran like poop as well.

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