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Hard Drive Drama

Guest Darth Revan

Hello guys I have a question for you. I have two hard drives a 750GB WD Caviar Black on it I have Windows, programs, games, music etc. and the second hard drive is a 640GB WD Caviar Black which is used for movies, videos, downloads, pictures. Now once in a while I open the case and take everything out to better clean it, the hard drives remain in the case I only disconnect the sata cables because they get in the way( I don't have a good case for cable management). Now here's the problem sometimes Windows doesn't recognize the second HDD (640GB) and I have to go in computer management to enable it and every single time it says Dynamic Disk and i have to put it back to Basic Disk, the problem is switching from dynamic to basic creates a new empty partition so everything I have on it is "gone". Of course I can use data recovery software and I did but it's annoying. The question is how can I stop Windows from changing my hard drive to dynamic and keep it on basic? Small note this happens sometimes and even if I put the sata cable where it was in the same sata port.

Sorry if I made grammar mistakes but English isn't my first language.

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