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Phone data recovery


I have this really old phone i'm trying to get some music files off of.It won't boot and windows doesn't recognize it.help.It's a really old samsung phone with a keyboard

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30 minutes ago, Himommies said:

I have this really old phone i'm trying to get some music files off of.It won't boot and windows doesn't recognize it.help.It's a really old samsung phone with a keyboard

Phones are ridiculously hard to get data off of.

Does it have removable media?

If it does, take it out and see what you can do.

If it doesn't, you're probably screwed unless you want to pay for professional data recover (if they even do it for that type of phone). I would usually recommend Linux but if Windows doesn't have drivers for it, it's even less likely Linux will support it.

Want to know which mobo to get?


Choose whatever you need. Any more, you're wasting your money. Any less, and you don't get the features you need.


Only you know what you need to do with your computer, so nobody's really qualified to answer this question except for you.


chEcK iNsidE sPoilEr fOr a tREat!

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the phone would have to be on for windows to recognize it plug it in and let it charge for a while

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