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Windows Update experience

Hey guys,


I stumbled upon some phenomenon three years ago:

If you do a fresh install of windows (xp, 7, 8, dowsn't matter) and you let windows update activated on your first boot, your pc becomes a slow hog.

I recognized it first with windows 7, as this was my first pc and it had a phenom II 6-core at 3.2GHz, 8GB 1600MHz RAM, WD Carviar Black 1TB and a HD 6870 so not exactly slow back then and after the fresh install it was really fast.

But when I activated (somehow wasn't) Windows Update, it installed the updates 3 hours long (100ds were available) and then restarted. After finishing installation, and an other two reboots with 2 hours time just letting it sit there and do its thing, windows was so damn slow. The HDD was active the whole time and opening a browser took very long (like a minute, with these specs).

One month I endured it but eventually I did regret having activated Windows Update.

In comparison to windows, OS X 10.6, which I did some experiments with on the amd platform on a second drive and a highly modified amd kernel, did have some wonderful properties which it still has: one update that installs max. 5 minutes long and is done after that, time between two updates is probably min. a month, often even way longer and when OS X is booted up, it is DONE. You could wire up a bomb to dat HDD-led and be safe as long as you don't touch that pc, mouse or keyboard. It simply wouldn't explode. But windows with installed updates that you have been doing NOTHING with for hours and should have been IDLE the whole time...that bomb you wouldn't survive, even if you connected the wires whilst running by. And it isn't auto-defrag or any other standard windows-service as with a freshly installed windows, chances are good you would actually survive that bomb and if you defrag your updated windows, it doesn't help anything. Windows with updates seems like it is constantly and infinitely processing huge workloads when you haven't even been in the room for hours and with no programs open.

And the same problem is with XP and 8. Turn updates on and congratulations, you're dead.

Seems like microsoft is using updates to trick folks into believing they need a new pc when they really don't.

Like including a script in the kernel to trick the cpu into dividing by 0 but to use the HDD instead of the CPU cache or the ram. Or to divide random numbers and use the HDD for that.


I've watched this phenomenon on all windows PCs I've seen and since turn off windows update right before pluging in the LAN-cable or connecting to wifi for the first time, then get an anti-virus (eset as paid or microsoft security essentials as unpaid), get adblock and get WOT.


But what's about you guys? Have you experienced something that way?

2600k, HD6870, 16GB

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