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My insight on the newest itteration of the naga


I would like to email this PM to whom it may concern but I'm not sure where to find a contact that I could use to contact Razer about the newest Naga.

This is more directed at Min-Liang Tan as well as the team that designed the naga, I would love to email them this, but I don't know how I could reach them.

Here's what I have to say.

There is something missing from the newest naga that simply shouldn't have been forgotten that was given to users who got a Naga Epic and Naga 2012. The side grips, and the available hand shapes it tunes too.

To put this in perspective, I have muscular problems and some what longer fingers than most people as well as a very strong grip.

I have tried well over 30 different mice trying to find something that was acceptable for my hand and had comfort. None of the mice i tried, from logitech to Steelseries to general mice, nothing really seemed to be comfortable enough for me to use in longer periods of time. Being an mmorpg player a naga was something i tried next, and while being generally more comfortable than most mice, it simply wasn't as well shaped as it could have been.

When my molten died(by accident) I went back to the naga and saw the Naga Epic and decided to give it a shot. I saw the mouse came with extra hand grips and I was curious. I was desperate to find something that would be more comfortable for me, so the risk of getting the naga for the sake of trying it was well worth the cost in my eyes. Low and behold this ended up being the perfect mouse, the thinner smaller side grip ended up being the final piece of a puzzle that finally ended up making a mouse that was legitimately comfortable enough for me to use for the extended periods of time i was using a mouse for work and gaming.

The ultra-wide grip was painful, the standard grip was tolerable for a few hours, but the thin curved grip was absolutely perfect for my hand.

Not only that but it also happened to be an MMORPG mouse, which works out so well because I play almost entirely MMORPGs.

Then comes along the 2012 and it features the same body and grip selection and I snatched one up as soon as possible. Its not even unboxed it sits on my work bench and stays nicely protected incase my naga epic ever experiences failure. That's how much I love this mouse, and how much I want to ensure that I can continue using it.

I saw the new naga 2013(2014?) and I was expecting all the previous features but was very disappointed to see that the hand grip options were opted out of.

"Oh great another mouse that i can't use" i thought to myself. Its something i really wanted to get my hands on but with experience the shape would end up being something that would be uncomfortable to use.

I really hope to see a Naga 2013 with the same interchangeable grips because for me the new thumb pad is enticing but not worth a new purchase because of how the right side of the mouse is shaped.

The naga epic and Naga 2012 are literally the most comfortable mice I have ever used and I can't bother with the newer naga because of its shape, which is a shame because it looks like such a nice improvement.

I would love to see a future naga epic with a mechanical thumb pad, and the same interchangeable side grip shapes. It would certainly make people like me who really value comfort, very happy.

Even something so simple as updating the naga epic with just the mechanical thumb pad would be simple enough to get me to drop 130$ on release day for the mouse. I would gladly pay for such an item without any regret to such a purchase because of how good of a tool and how nicely comfortable the naga epic has been for me.

I hope that there is some consideration of this for the future. I am sure there are other Naga users who enjoy the interchangable grip options as well.

With reguards from a feircely loyal and very thankful naga user

~Franbunny Alice Viera

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