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Steam money making (exploiting the 2 decimal place on market listing)


For those of you using currency with lower nominal, sadly it would be hard for you, but for those people with higher nominal like Indonesia where 3 US cents is like 300 something rupiah, you're in luck.

This is my personal method for money making, I pretty much add 75% of my invested money almost each week with the right item. I used to play a lot in the chroma case back when it dropped down to 2 cents each.

This is how it works:

When you list something in the community market, it only goes up to 2 decimal places so like $0.03 or  $4.92, but how about the third decimal place? And what happens when you use a currency with higher nominal?


In the USD, the graph also has a similar pattern, but it is always considered 3 cents wherever 3 cents it is at. While in the IDR graph, the same 3 cents but in Indonesian currency ranges from 170ish up to 300ish.

With that, you can buy a cheap item, in this case the revolver case for 170ish which is the price range it is currently at in Indonesian currency, and sell it on the market for around 300 IDR and people would still buy it, but it would take longer(about a week) I recommend watching the live activity feed for the item and see the value people are buying it. At the time of me making this post, the magic number is 339.48.

So there is how I make my money on steam market, but beware you need dedication just to earn a mere dollar from this method because of how many cases you need to buy and list each week, in a large enough scale it would take hours to list the items.

And also on summer sale, these cases drop down to like 50 IDR and by march they cost upwards of 1000 IDR, 20x profit

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