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Plex and unRAID question - home NAS


Hey all, just a quick question for you.


I recently built a home NAS as a plex media center and a tertiary backup for my school/work files at home. It's been working great streaming and backing up my laptops, until this past weekend.  Now I in terms of media that I'm using on this most of it comes from torrents (no judgement please). Up until this weekend I had a fairly standard system of downloading a file, then manually copying it from the downloads folder to the relevant movie/tv show folder within my plex directory. Plex would automatically recognize this, and update my library as a result. 

My issue now is that this is not happening. Prior to this weekend I only had 2 x 3TB WD Red's in my NAS. One for parity, and one as a data disk. This past weekend I found a few month old 2TB Seagate drive that I added to the array. That added without any difficulty and the array was back online with an hour once it formatted the disk. My issue is that since then plex will no longer detect new media in the directory that I have assigned to it within the plex GUI. There were literally no settings changed at all prior to this happening. Since then I have tried to delete the library and re-scan it. I've also changed the library update settings from automatically scan to scan every 15/30/60 minutes etc. This didn't seem to change anything. 

The only useful topic I found online was in regards to plex automatic scanning kicking in before a file had completely transferred to the new directory causing errors. The post mentioned that if it took >1minute to copy then plex would read the file as incomplete and essentially "blacklist" this file, meaning that even when it was done plex would no longer recognize it.  This intuitively makes sense to me, but at the same time it doesn't really fit, since I never had an issue with this prior to this new drive installing. 

I would like to note that within unRAID, my downloads go into a share set aside specifically for downloads, while i have a separate share for media (tv/movies).  These details haven't changed except for the addition of disk2 to the array. 

tl;dr - After adding a new disk to array, plex is no longer recognizing new files dropped into its directory. Help? Thanks in advance!

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