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Blocked from accessing graphics hardware



first of, if a topic like this exists somewhere out there then shame on me for not using the search engine correctly.

As the title says, most of my games are "crashing" with the error "application has been blocked from accessing graphics hardware". 

Specs are listed in my profile, everything at stock speeds(thought the OC was unstable).

Drivers are up to date, running Windows 10 updated also.

None of the components are super hot or anything.


Before the error would be that the driver crashed and was unable to restart, but I've set TdrDelay to 8 and now this happens.

From the event log:

 <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">- <System>  <Provider Name="Display" />   <EventID Qualifiers="0">4109</EventID>   <Level>3</Level>   <Task>0</Task>   <Keywords>0x80000000000000</Keywords>   <TimeCreated SystemTime="2016-01-03T19:08:40.831789000Z" />   <EventRecordID>7880</EventRecordID>   <Channel>System</Channel>   <Computer>DESKTOP-0MC1UC7</Computer>   <Security />   </System>- <EventData>  <Data>DarksidersPC.e</Data>   <Data />   </EventData>  </Event>

I'll gladly take every advice.

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