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Breaking Down For New Breaking Bad!


So I was just re-watching some of the lest episodes, because why not, and then I noticed a few things.. 



So we all know that Walt has been found out. Age 52 his cancer is back, and he doesn't want to be noticed, and things are heated because he has an M60. That was in  S5 E1, the last episode is interesting though..


After Walt says he's done it goes to the bit in his back yard at the pool. The first thing we see is a roach. In the preview for the new season the Jesse & Hank trailer, one of the first things you see is a roach. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSS8zz5IWgo)

As seen before they used a fly to represent Jesse. He was always in Walters head bothering him, now he's a roach, so he's always sticking around, and hard to get rid of? I don't know, but I'm sure it means something that that. I just think of it as Jesse's return. 


Now for something really interesting.. In the same video Hank is looking very angry, as he should be driving away fast. He is wearing the same pink shirt he was in the last episode, but he has a jacket now. But same shirt. He is also driving in the day time, so after he found out Walt's secret. Remember this...

Now in this teaser we see it's night time, and Walt is looking surprised, and scared to me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeeRTYxcKFg

Look in the drive way behind Walt to see Walt Jr's Challenger is missing, and in place, a new red car. No idea who that car belongs to or why it's there, might be Skyler's, I forgot. 


At this point I have no idea what to make of this. Here is my theory.
Later that week, hank gets the DEA to pick up everyone from Walt's house. I'm guessing something important is missing because Walt looks like he was looking for something as he was outside, but then stops maybe to think of what to do, or maybe it was all just hitting him. Jesse was seen on the floor under a table I think, so maybe it was just Jesse visiting Walt, and giving him bad news. I'm thinking the teaser of Hank was just hank leaving Walt's house and going tome, or to the DEA. He needs proof to turn Walt in. 

I got one more theory's, but I want to hear what you all think, whats going on in your brains with all of this!  13 Days to go! 
I'll be checking on this later also, so post what's in your head! I love talking about this stuff! 

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I'm pretty sure Skyler has a different car than that.


I think that Hank worked it out, confronted Walt and Walt ends up on the run, hence the beginning of EP 1 Season 5.


I have no idea for everything else, I watched the first part for Season 5 a few days ago to prepare myself for the finals.

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