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need advice for new build


I am currently building a new computer so I'll get right to it.

My budget is around 450$. I need everything except a case, monitor, and peripherals.

I mainly play video games that aren't too graphic intensive like WoW, LoL, Dota 2, Skyrim, and Call of Duty. I also like to stream a lot of movies and videos and listen to music.

I will be using 2 monitors. 1 is at 24 inches and the other is a 32 inch HDTV. I will be playing games on the monitor and watching videos and surfing the internet and playing music on the TV.

I am building this because my current build is like 5 years old and it's starting to lag when I want to do what I want to do.

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$450 really won't get you anything decent, certainly nothing good enough to play the games you mentioned. My personal advice would be to wait and save a little more, say to around $600, then that gives us something to work with. $450 is just too small a budget to spend on a decent gaming experience. Is there anything you can salvage from your old PC, like your RAM?

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Will you also need an OS? Also, where you are located?

As said $450 is a low budget, though considering the games you listed aren't to demanding you might still be able to get a reasonably good system, depending on the two questions I asked earlier.

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I have to agree with Dave, $450 isn't really enough to spend on a pc. Save up a bit more, say to $700 (I'm British so not too familiar with price of components in US and Canada) then you can build something to handle everything you mentioned.

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