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Direct X 12?


I found this video tonight online and I wanted someone to tell me whether what this guy said was true or not about Direct X 12 vs 11.


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Microsoft knows how to keep their secrets, I highly doubt this

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Microsoft knows how to keep their secrets, I highly doubt this

Doubt his statement you mean?

AMD Ryzen 9 5950x 3.4Ghz | Asus Prime X570-Pro | Corsair Vengeances RGB PRO 64GB 3200Mhz | EVGA Nvidia Geforce 3060 XC | EVGA G3 SuperNova 750 Watt PSU

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Doubt his statement you mean?

Yea, and I doubt anything announcing or questioning anything microsoft related, Barnacules mentioned that he was part of the windows testing team , and unknowingly was testing things for WINDOWS 10! (back when windows 9 was predicted), which is why i think that

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This guy is a fucking idiot, your usual youtuber that think's he knows what he's talking about but in reality knows nothing. And still get's praised by subscribers as they also know nothing lol.


Can't even fucking pronounce Nvidia properly lol.

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Nah, we have games that are totally gpu limited now, can't imagine it will make that big of a difference. It might offer possibilities to developpers that they never had before, but only in certain aspects of a game, overall I don't expect that much of a change. Still, 20% more performance from the exact same hardware would be awesome.

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He doesn't get the fact that devs don't overhype vulkan and DX12 because devs know that fanboys will misunderstand. If they come out and say that vulkan allows ten times more draw calls in CPU limited areas then fanboys will misunderstand and think that this means ten times more frames per second in general. Then when games come out they will accuse the industry vendors of overhyping it. Most fanboys don't care about the options the new gen of APIs offer to developers, or the alleviation of CPU bottleneck related microstutter, or the freed up CPU time that can now be used for AI etc. They want everything to be oversimplified and put onto an average fps graph to see how many more frames per second they can get in battlefield 5. So I understand why Phil Spencer will be careful in what he says about dx12.

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Nah, we have games that are totally gpu limited now, can't imagine it will make that big of a difference.

On the contrary a lot of the stutter in AAA games is due to the CPU momentarily hitting a wall with driver overhead. It may not be continuously at 100% usage but it can cause random hitching. Also in terms of gaming performance in current titles GPUs are getting faster at a much higher rate than CPUs. A four year old sandy bridge i5 still performs similar to modern CPUs in modern gaming applications. You can't say the same for a four year old GPU like the 560ti. So with GPUs gaining so much; more and more games will face CPU bottlenecks unless the game devs change their programming techniques to use Vulkan, DX12 as well as newer instructions. A lot of people in the competitive online RTS, MMO genres etc would kill for this industry move to happen faster. In those genres they are already CPU bottlenecked even with fast Intel chips.
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