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US army launching surveillance blimps over the east coast

True, a war on the same continent would allow the opponent to invade you.  :lol:


Casualty reports are always inflated by both sides.  Only a complete moron would believe those. Besides, most of your "terrorists" are probably innocent civilians and schoolchildren anyway. 

Need me to link some videos of your military shooting at civilians and journalists?  Or military personnel admitting they shot civilians and planted weapons on them?  Plenty of that stuff on YT.


There is no such thing as a "conventional war" anymore.  There hasn't been one since WW1.  That's the problem with your military, they're clueless.  Destroying tanks and capturing soldiers is easy if you have the right equipment, but that's not "winning a war".  It only makes people resort to other means of getting the oppressor out.  You muppets haven't learned a single thing from Vietnam.


Opening fire on another country's tech or military planes is not an act of war if the invader doesn't want to follow the directions it's been given. 

If a Russian bomber suddenly enters NATO airspace and flat-out ignores radio communication and visual orders, it WILL be shot down. 

If Canada says that US blimps have no business in their airspace and one crosses the border, nobody will question their right to shoot it down.    

Look, you are clearly someone with zero idea of what you are talking about. Only a moron believes casualty reports? One of the most idiotic things I have read on this forum. Every source that proves your point wrong is a lie? bullshit. Go right on ahead and link some of those videos of yours, I would love to see them.


Of course there is still such a thing as conventional war. WW2 was a conventional war, as was the falklands war in 82. The reason there has not been a conventional war of large scale since ww2 is because america has completely dominated the military scene. The military definitely knows more about this sort of thing then some clown on a tech forum. People that dedicate their lives to studying this sort of thing and maintaining a complete and total advantage over everyone else in technology and military funding. Destroying tanks and capturing soldiers is not winning a war, it only makes people seek other ways to throw the oppressor out? Umm yeah, that's totally why the Japanese and Nazi germany were able to throw out their oppressors. Are you even thinking? Those countries were occupied perfectly and are know allies.


Funny you mention civilian deaths though. Since if America really DIDN'T care about killing innocents there would no one left alive in Afghanistan. We could commit genocide even without resorting to nukes.  But we don't do that. We threw out the Taliban and then stuck around to nation build. Well that doesnt work in a tribal society with two warring sects of a violent religion that have been killing each other for thousands of years. The situation in Afghanistan and Iraq is not a failure of the military, It is a failure of politics. The same goes for Vietnam. The fact that you dont get that is rather pathetic, since it really takes no studying or great knowledge of the situation to understand that. Its called winning the war but losing the peace. 


A country like Canada is so completely different from anything in Vietnam(who are begging us for weapons now, to use against china hilariously enough) or Afghanistan. Canada would NEVER be able to wage a guerrilla war as effectively. The people are simply not indoctrinated enough, no educated person is going to keep resisting in the same way. Plus occupying a country you share a border with is way cheaper, way more economically viable. Its really that simple.


What are you talking about with the directions being given? If a blimp enters Canadian airspace and they ASK for it to be moved different from shooting it down, which is what I said in my first post. Your attempt to shift arguments is noted though.


Anyway, my point stands. America would kick Canada's ass in a war. Fact.  

Conceal your intentions

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