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Alternative shooting



Just wanting to see if anyone's "experimented" with binding the "shoot" key to control or shift or just a non-mouse click.

It's just something I thought of, imo wouldn't have much benefits.

Just interested to see if anyone's ever tried :P

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Sorry what? I'm confused....

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One of my friends have ´shoot´ bound to the ´S´ key, and then he rebinds ´back´ and ´forward´ to the left and right mouse buttons. I have no idea why he does it this way, but he have always done it like this.

I have tried using this methode, but I never got used to it.

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I used to bind the shoot button to scroll up and ran around with a pistol machine gunning people in Combat Arms. That was always fun. 

I always rebind movement keys to ESDF in general because it gives me more options for key placement. I literally have to rebind everything though because it messes with so much. It's annoying but worth it imo.

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Never tried that, sounds fun tho

i'm giving it a go in bf3 campaign with ctrl set as shoot along with left click (so the option is still there) and bound crouch to c.

I'll see how it goes

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Yes you can do it, and it is sometime better to use another key when you have set your mouse's sensitivity to very high settings as even clicking can move the cursor away from the target.



Just wanting to see if anyone's "experimented" with binding the "shoot" key to control or shift or just a non-mouse click.

It's just something I thought of, imo wouldn't have much benefits.

Just interested to see if anyone's ever tried :P

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Yes you can do it, and it is sometime better to use another key when you have set your mouse's sensitivity to very high settings as even clicking can move the cursor away from the target.

yeah, that was what I was thinking initially, for long range single shots, it might be useful, but then...why not lower dpi


I really tried to find a use for the non-left-click button and found that 1. it screws with your muscle memory 2. it requires slightly more coordination (subjectively) 3. it really did not bring much beneficial to the table 4. if anything, it took longer to react to a sudden action/movement than left-click

overall...I feel it's pointless unless you can be bothered reworking your muscle memory, otherwise, just stick with what's familiar. If you can get used to it then *thumbs up*

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My adaption ability is very high and I have no such problems with "reworking" muscle memory. I usually use the mouse keys for most tasks and rarely click using the mouse. Its easier on my hand and wrist and offers greater control with mouse as I can use my right hand to only precisely move the mouse and not be bothered with clicking.

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