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New PC is bluescreening and giving me a headache (Help Please :))

Hey so I just recently built this computer, when it works it works great and it has been 10x better than my laptop. But with that said I've had multiple problems. My temps with browser open is 38c gpu and 50 - 60c cpu, I believe thats pretty high, and when under load both cpu and gpu get to 90c each. That being said it's not insane but it has caused multiple blue screens that I believe are caused by the ram overheating. I have 3 exaughts fans up top, 1 intake on the back, 2 intakes on the bottom, and the hyte cooler is set to intakes as well. I would like some help with a better fan configuration if that is needed. I also have had problems with overclocking. I am using the adrenaline software and I can only overclock the gpu, cpu never seems to stick. When I do get it to overclock my system takes 10 minutes to boot up and it goes to safe mode. I believe it's rewriting memory. I would appreciate the help.

My specs are

Amd Ryzen 7 7800X3D

Amd Radeon rx 7900 XTX

b650A motherboard

32gb of trident z 5 neo rgb

evga 1300w power supply(literally just needed the pci-e slots)

Thicc Q60 cooler

4tb WG m.2

4 tl Lian Li fans

2 hyte case fans.

(I also included the latest bluescreen dump file, happened while playing dayz)



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I understand and feel for you. 


I abandoned building PCs a while back. It's astonishing how something seemingly straightforward can turn into such a headache. Dealing with motherboard drivers and other components can be incredibly finicky. Plus, the lack of current info surrounding BIOS updates and settings between updates is frustrating. Then there are subtle issues like the importance of using felt washers to prevent shorting.


Instead, I opt to have a specialized PC shop assemble my custom rig. Do they nail it on the first attempt? Not usually. It often requires returning a few times or a complete overhaul and reinstallation of Windows. Eventually, they either get it right or refund my money.

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We want all the dump files you have, not just the most recent. Several issues can blame random drivers and processes so debugging from just a single dump file is often inaccurate. 

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Two of the errors are ntoskrnl.exe+  and one is ntoskrnl.exe+ and Ntfs.sys


Both of these point towards system hardware instability / failures (mainly memory) and or software corruption  and maybe driver errors..


If this was my pc I would do the following.


1. Turn off XMP /and or any overclocking that maybe enabled.

2. Run memtest (memtest86 or even the windows memory diag) (if you get errors take 1 stick out and run with only 1 stick and see if it passes, test both modules..it looks like just two modules in the photo correct?)

3. Run SFC and DISM to check for software errors/ corruption in windows.

4. Check for bios updates / and for driver updates (check device manager for devices with a "!" that don't have drivers and try to find drivers for this (motherboards support page).

5. (this might be step 2 after turning XMP off... but ?) but I would probably reseat the cpu cooler as well.


here is instructions on SFC / DISM if needed https://www.howtogeek.com/222532/how-to-repair-corrupted-windows-system-files-with-the-sfc-and-dism-commands/


here is a link to bluescreenview which can help you interpret BSOD .dmp files



are you just getting your temp info from the AIO software?  if so maybe get something like HWMonitor and check temps there.

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^^ It points to cpu errors as well, but otherwise an excellent post and the OP should do all this. 


That random "don't build your own computers" opinion can be passed over lol

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9 hours ago, WeAreLegend said:

 @Bjoolz  here ya go, there is only 3. Thanks again.

051824-11890-01.zip 1.31 MB · 1 download

Two of them were storage related (None were ntfs.sys like someone else suggested, Bluescreenview is not a good tool) and one was a page fault. A page is a section of memory, note that memory doesn't have to mean RAM because of the page file, it can also be storage or the memory controller (CPU).  I would prefer more dump files, but from this storage would be the main suspect. It would be the storage with the page file because of the memory errors. The page file is usually on C:\, but it can be on any partition/drive. If you have more than one drive, you can use this Powershell command to see which drive it's on: 

Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_PageFileUsage -Property *


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