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changing display resolution

Hi I recently bought a 4090 and a 7800x3d but i still have a 1080p monitor since i don't want 4k becouse of the refresh rate and prices but even with a 1440p that im gonna buy in the future I want to scale the resolution of games to 4k and then use the dlss at 1440.
In order to do that i found out that nvidia has an option that is dsr that scale the resolution to 4k for games, the only problem is that to change in game resolution you need to have the game in exclusive fullscreen and almost all games with dx12 don't have fullscreen exclusive, so the dsr became usless, that's why im trying to find a way to make this possible in the cleanest and esiest way.
The only solution i found is changing the display resolution directly from windows, the only problem is, everytime you need to change the resolution when gaming and then changing it again when finished, thats because putting the resoution to 4k makes all the apps and the desktop blurry.
I found out display changer x a software that automates the changing resolution everytime an exe is run, this thing needs to be set for every app and you need to run it from the script that creates and not from the exe, this means that i can't run them from the launchers.

So the question i want to ask you is, there is a software that makes the display change for every game that i run by just simply adding them in a list and when the exe start up it change the resolution of the display or there is a way to solve the blurry that windows creates when you change the resolution? cause for me it's not a problem getting the display permanently in 4k

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I did this with my 2080ti and God of War was borderless fullscreen, limited to 1080p to I set desktop to 4K (keeping my refresh rate is a nice bonus to DSR modes)


For hotkey switching... Try this.



Maximums - Asus Z97-K /w i5 4690 Bclk @106.9Mhz * x39 = 4.17Ghz, 8GB of 2600Mhz DDR3,.. Gigabyte GTX970 G1-Gaming @ 1550Mhz


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