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Practicality of Remoting into a desktop vs a low end DGPU; Wanting laptop suggestions

Been looking at laptops for a FEW YEARS, From time to time I feel like I need an upgrade, then realize I couldnt afford one properly or should just wait. The entire process becomes overwhelming when you dont quite know what you're looking at as generations change.


Recently, been looking into the 7000's Series Ryzen, particularly the 7840HS And 7840U W/ the 780M IGPU, In comparison to DGPU laptops with specs like a 4060/4050/3060/3050 and then disabling the DGPU when not utilizing it for anything gpu accelerated. But, Im primarily using the machine for schoolwork, MySQL, Python, and a smidge of GPU accelerated rendering in things like Davinci, Capcut, Sony Image Edging mobile. ; To have a PC with me when traveling, GPU Accelerated tasks like hobbyist video editing and not much gaming. Recently been getting told to utilize remote desktop solutions to just render on my desktop! So my primary question is, given the circumstances. Would you consider utilize a remote solution alongside a laptop upgrade to something like a 7840U machine WITHOUT a dedicated GPU to keep higher battery life and allow me to Still edit on machine, but if its a much more demanding task , Realistically wont be anything CRAZY like an LTT Video just short form at the moment.


I know primary complications that arise are keeping the machine on and powered 24/7 as well as having a consistent and fast connection. Anything is an Upgrade when coming from a 6100U W/ 16gb of DDR3 in 2024. If you have recommendations please let me know; Ideally looking for a machine sub $800-1000~ With upgradable storage, ram, and wifi if the internal wifi card is awful, preferably at bestbuy and available open box, someone in my family has total tech from bestbuy which is 2 years of warranty w/ a service fee so might as well utilize it. Only big deal is having USB C charging for me to be frank.


A SMALL portion of my job is video editing not related to company work, currently making like $1.5-1.7K per month as a part time student; So I would like this to be a buy once cry once kinda event.  Main PC Linked here https://pcpartpicker.com/user/NolanTheMan/saved/TCMpHx

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