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LG Will Take The 'Smart' Out Of Your Smart TV


I don't care about phones, I think the smartphone craze is stupid. That being said, just because you don't think they're shit doesn't mean that they aren't shit. I also never said they were I just said I that would not buy anything made by LG and that's because I deeply dislike behavior like that. I'm aware that privacy means little these days but being told that you can either share your info or not get access to the features you paid for in the first place is a dishonest shameful way to run a business and I would prefer go without said piece of tech entirely rather than get a gimped product or fund their behavior further. The most effective way to show a company that your not going to stand for something is to not buy whatever product they are pushing. I personally wouldn't ever buy a smart TV but if they're behaving like this with a TV(and a two year old one at that) then how do you think they will behave with one of their flagship products?


Ignoring this kind of behavior because you like their products is the kind of blind consumerism that has gotten us into the situation we're in now where a companies interests come first and customers get shit on.

i too would never buy a smart TV. and i understand your reasons. also i actually didnt read the whole article and if this is actually what they did. then fuck em. amen to you and who ever wont tolerate with this behavior. i know i wont be

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Someday they'll learn. SOmeday.

Help me I'm surrounded by morons.

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That's a bit strong, I wouldn't buy one of their smart TV's beacuse of it but not boycott the whole company.


If people don't buy/return the TVs they will stop doing it.


I don't kow if that's true. Many people are cool with sharing their data with third parties to get the experience they want.

Help me I'm surrounded by morons.

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Not really bothered. Programing on tv these days is pretty terrible. I mean, the once decent learning channel went from a respectable network to the land of Honey Boo Boo. There is also the infestation of "reality" tv and biased news networks that don't really report the news in an accurate light - very disingenuous. As for the smart aspect of that..it's a television set. It's only purpose is to turn on and display content from a source, that's it. Just like refrigerators with Facebook, it's tech we really shouldn't entertain companies by buying into it.



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