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Apache rewrite URL slug to subdomain

Hey the community, I need you once again 馃檭

There's something I couldn't wrap my head around with my web server...聽

First things first, I'm running a Lightsail instance with a Lamp package usingbitnami.

My title may seem a bit weird. To better understand it, here's what I'm aiming to do :

  1. A user reachesdomain.fr/blog

  2. He's been internally redirected toblog.domain.fr

  3. The address bar is still showingdomain.fr/blog

That's something I was able to achieve by using this in the bitnami-ssl.conf under<VirtualHost default:443>

    ProxyPass /blog http://blog.domain.fr/    
    ProxyPassReverse /blog http://blog.domain.fr/  

So when I go todomain.fr/blogI can see the blog I'm setting up !

Now I've created myself two problems :

  • If I reachblog.domain.frI can access all of the content. Therefore, I have 2 canonical URLs for the same content, which isreallybad for SEO.

  • I can't accessdomain.fr/blog/loginfor instance...

So I'm asking you guys two questions :

  1. How to redirectproperlyblog.domain.frtodomain.fr/blog

  2. How to make it worksproperlyi.e.,/blog/loginnot showing 404 (blog.domain.fr/loginis working)

One more precision : the blog I'm setting up is running usingLaravelandJetstream馃槈

Here's what I tried to do :

I've added under the<Virtual Host *:443>for the blog vhost this line :

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^ https://domain.fr/blog%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

I end up with the errorTOO_MANY_REDIRECTSon bothblog.domain.franddomain.fr/blog

I'm not an Apache expert or whatsoever, please be kind !

Feel free to ask any questions if what I'm trying to achieve seems hard to understand 馃槈

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