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Is WinAero Tweaker safe today? It looks sketchy...

Hello all,

I am looking to install WinAero Tweaker to (hopefully) not do anything OS-breaking to my PC, but rather just make a few cosmetic upgrades to Windows 10. I watched Michael MJD's video on it from 4 years ago, and the website looks different from the way it looks now. There are far more ads. On top of this, a VT scan of the .exe that the setup unpacks leads to a VT Graph that shows some questionable files and IP connections. It certainly appears as though the program was once safe, but is no longer/has been compromised.

There was also a post on here about a year ago asking a similar question, but no answer seemed to come about.

Can anyone please help tell me whether this is the case?


Link to the VirusTotal graph: https://www.virustotal.com/graph/embed/gfcbb49c8f27145a6a76c4298185881fe97eeea3003cf48c6abf3a44b7272c650?theme=light

Link to the Winaero website: https://winaero.com/

 The old post with the similar question:

Michael MJD's YouTube video on Winaero Tweaker:

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I’ve tried it and nothing wrong happened just make sure you get it from the right website because I don’t remember the website looking like that

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I use WinAero Tweaker and the site looks about the same. I have not seen anything strange with the actual program.

Everything the program does can be manually changed in the registry (after a quick google search 😁). So even if you were to install and uninstall it, the changes would remain.

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